Some weeks ago i told you all about the stress myself and the rest of the team at my school were under re waiting for Ofsted to arrive.
This had a very negative effect on stafff re illnesses and so much stress as everyone was working flat out to improve the school.
Personally it took it's toll on me this week, i went into school Monday when i should have stayed in bed as had awful chest infection and ear infection but when i knew they weren't in came home.
Literally dragged myself in on Tuesday and we 'got the call'.
As this was it two terms of slogging myself half to death, working 7 days a week and on an average day from 7.30am until 10pm I knew I had to shine. So took my tablets and put on my best show face and did what i love to do most focused on the children.
The inspector said the progress i had made since September was 'remarkable' I had taken a unit that was inadequate and turned it totally around in less than a term.
Woop, woop!!! I then had to take the rest of the week off through illness though which was sad about but i think when you finally remove the stress factor which has been keeping you going your body just slamms on the brakes, so have been sitting in bed for four days now. Yesterday i got out my mags, books and seed catalogues and started to plan my plot which i haven't thought about really in months.
There is still alot to do at school but the worst is now over as we are no longer in an unsatisfactory category. Everyone is exhausted but so very proud of what we have achieved together. Things will only get better now for the children as they deserve the very best.
Thank you to all of you for your kind words and support over this period.
So often as a profession we get slated for all sorts of things, i just wanted people to know that we are a dedicated profession who really do care and want to make a difference.
This had a very negative effect on stafff re illnesses and so much stress as everyone was working flat out to improve the school.
Personally it took it's toll on me this week, i went into school Monday when i should have stayed in bed as had awful chest infection and ear infection but when i knew they weren't in came home.
Literally dragged myself in on Tuesday and we 'got the call'.
As this was it two terms of slogging myself half to death, working 7 days a week and on an average day from 7.30am until 10pm I knew I had to shine. So took my tablets and put on my best show face and did what i love to do most focused on the children.
The inspector said the progress i had made since September was 'remarkable' I had taken a unit that was inadequate and turned it totally around in less than a term.
Woop, woop!!! I then had to take the rest of the week off through illness though which was sad about but i think when you finally remove the stress factor which has been keeping you going your body just slamms on the brakes, so have been sitting in bed for four days now. Yesterday i got out my mags, books and seed catalogues and started to plan my plot which i haven't thought about really in months.
There is still alot to do at school but the worst is now over as we are no longer in an unsatisfactory category. Everyone is exhausted but so very proud of what we have achieved together. Things will only get better now for the children as they deserve the very best.
Thank you to all of you for your kind words and support over this period.
So often as a profession we get slated for all sorts of things, i just wanted people to know that we are a dedicated profession who really do care and want to make a difference.