Have woodburner, didn't use last year.
Pretty cold already so decided to get stack swept and open it up again.
Sweep came, but problem the Jackdaws who live around here have been dropping twigs down the chimney and now we have a good wedge just above the blanking plate above the stove!!
Sweep says we will have to take bricks out of the stack to remove it!!
Sounds a bit drastic to me.
Could we not take off the blanking plate and get at it that way?
What would you do guys, any advice much appreciated.
Also what is the best type of deterrant to put on the top of the pot once it is all cleared again? Not hubbie with a gun, he is scared of heights. Also am pretty fond of the cheeky fellas got to admire their cheek if nothing else.
Pretty cold already so decided to get stack swept and open it up again.
Sweep came, but problem the Jackdaws who live around here have been dropping twigs down the chimney and now we have a good wedge just above the blanking plate above the stove!!
Sweep says we will have to take bricks out of the stack to remove it!!
Sounds a bit drastic to me.
Could we not take off the blanking plate and get at it that way?
What would you do guys, any advice much appreciated.
Also what is the best type of deterrant to put on the top of the pot once it is all cleared again? Not hubbie with a gun, he is scared of heights. Also am pretty fond of the cheeky fellas got to admire their cheek if nothing else.
