Tiz my birthday on the 18th of this month, the big three zero. I've been working my little behind off organising myself a party at home, getting all the xmas pressies bought, wrapped & out of the way so i have plenty of time for organising, I've written all the xmas cards myself, ordered all the xmas dinner food ready in advance, organised the two sets of guests that will be staying with us from the day before b'day (one set for 4 nights, the other for 12!), booked a table for guests and us for a lovely meal the night before the party, house nearly sorted, xmas decorations still to put up and i'm pooped already!
However, all is fine because husband has just said to me "you need to be packed by Thursday night as we're going for a long weekend away"
HURRAH! i'm so excited - i have no idea where, its a complete suprise!! (however, i now have less time to get everything finalised
However, all is fine because husband has just said to me "you need to be packed by Thursday night as we're going for a long weekend away"
HURRAH! i'm so excited - i have no idea where, its a complete suprise!! (however, i now have less time to get everything finalised
