Up here in Scotland the law says that Local Authorities may make regulations for the management of their allotments and for putting the allotment laws into effect. If they do make regulations then they must go out to full public consultation after publication and then must be confirmed by Scottish Ministers before they become legal. The Scottish Executive has confirmed that no local authority has asked for regulations to be confirmed. In Aberdeen the local authority has said it has no regulations. Total poppycock. The rents as an example are regulated by decisions made in the council chamber so there must be regulations. The Council has directed that the rents will be �x so the council has made a direction.
Guess how a regulation is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
So I think no local authority in Scotland with allotments has legal regulations for rent and all affected tenants will be able to reclaim the rents paid by them. Have a look at the letter I sent to the scottish minister on our webpagehttp://bucksburnallotments.co.uk/latest.aspx.
It would be hugely helpful if all Scottish Allotment holders got in touch with their MSP's about this.
Guess how a regulation is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
So I think no local authority in Scotland with allotments has legal regulations for rent and all affected tenants will be able to reclaim the rents paid by them. Have a look at the letter I sent to the scottish minister on our webpagehttp://bucksburnallotments.co.uk/latest.aspx.
It would be hugely helpful if all Scottish Allotment holders got in touch with their MSP's about this.