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Councils coping with snow


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  • #16
    It is purely a financial thing.

    Once upon a time buying and spreading salt-grit was seen as a normal council function and they had lots of lorries and workmen available to do it when needed, said workmen being augmented by other council manual labour employees if needed.
    The definition of when needed was more in line with the travelling public as well, it was done as a preventative measure when snow was expected.

    Nowadays, salt is expensive, the contractors employed by councils need to make a profit, accountants get annoyed if salt is wasted by being spread in expectation of snow that does not arrive and there is no slack available as employees all have work to do or are employed by contractors.
    Each fatal traffic accident costs society £1,500,000.00 Source BBC So what does a non-fatal one cost on average, perhaps £10,000.00?

    Personally I reckon it is cheaper to the overall UK economy for councils to be a bit more "wasteful" of salt.
    Thus saving all of us extra hours of vehicle engines running, accident repair costs and wasted time. Sadly councils have to (and can only) look at their budgets, balancing the income from central government with the council tax charge, to decide if they can afford more gritting. Councils don't have to reimburse you for three extra hours of driving or repairs to your car after it slid off the road, so it does not enter their calculations.
    Last edited by Peter; 25-12-2009, 06:46 PM.
    Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
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    • #17
      I cant see why salt boexes cant be distributed by councils like we used to have on the side of most roads ( not every road ) esp on side roads then people could spresd it about. Probably a problem with vandalism though. I put salt outside my house and if every one did that it wouldnt be so bad.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #18
        They did a fine job of gritting here and lots of yellow salt boxes full of grit.

        Pitty we did not get any snow, but the roads did not have any frost like the gardens.

        So it did not stop anyone from shopping......


        • #19
          Aberdeenshire have been pretty good, but they don't treat the roads through the night - which is a total pain for my OH who wasn't fininshing work until after 3am! 4 hours to do what normallly takes 50 mins - and that's on the main A96 road north. Poor show really considering the Aberdeen City Council keep their gritters going through the night.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Peter View Post
            It is purely a financial thing.
            Of course it is! And it will become more so as the price of fuel goes up.. And if we continue to have ridiculously low temperatures, the salting will have less effect - below -12c the salt becomes less effective, and becomes prone to causing sheet ice where there's been melt and it refreezes.
            On the other hand, if people prepared to be stuck in the house now and again - my Nana always had a stock of tinned milk etc 'just in case', or prepared themselves to be able to get around, wouldn't this be much better? And more green/environmentally friendly?
            Snow chains can be bought for about £40, not that bad really. Council tax would end up being increased by more than that (over a few years) to pay for more gritting I bet!

            Snowchains for cars
            Last edited by SarzWix; 26-12-2009, 05:57 PM.


            • #21
              Sarz, I'd been wondering about chains and snow tires. Colder countries than ours use snow tires as standard.
              Why don't we? Too much hassle for 5 days a year perhaps?
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #22
                There is a set of snow chains hanging on the wall in my shed i think they fit a land rover type thing any body wants them come and fetch them free of charge....jacob
                Last edited by jacob marley; 26-12-2009, 06:51 PM.
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                Ralph Waide Emmerson


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  Footpaths don't get considered at all, do they?

                  I've been out 2 days running with a small child, and he's been T over A more times than I could count

                  Yes! Some people ! Still walk !
                  I used an old childhood trick of putting a pair of Jim's old socks over my shoes and could walk confidently where others were sliding.


                  • #24
                    My OH would love your snow-chains for his Disco. Jacob, but the fuel to get there would probably be
                    I'm not sure that snow tyres would be worth the investment TS (they do deteriorate in storage when not needed) but the chains would probably be worth it, especially for peeps who live off the beaten track. And at less than a tenner for the ice-cleats, they're definitely worth having a pair or 2 in the house!


                    • #25
                      What's a gritting lorry look like? We haven't had a single one come anywhere near Skegness. Maybe Lincolnshire County Council should update their sat-navs for places beyond Horncastle!!!!. Pavements were little more than sheets of ice up to the thaw as well.
                      Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jackie j View Post
                        I cant see why salt boexes cant be distributed by councils like we used to have on the side of most roads ( not every road ) esp on side roads then people could spresd it about. Probably a problem with vandalism though. I put salt outside my house and if every one did that it wouldnt be so bad.

                        Because people nick it for their driveways.
                        Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
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                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Peter View Post
                          Because people nick it for their driveways.
                          ...or asparagus patches!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • #28
                            sorry Peter. I stand corrected
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