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Anyone else's Christmas been "fleurgh"?


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  • Anyone else's Christmas been "fleurgh"?

    It should have been so special - being Beans first and all.

    Due to a number of difference circumstances the families have been a little "dispersed" over this Christmas season and as a result it's all been a bit..........well, flat.

    Added to that I picked up a bug at work which left me feeling achy all over, heady and feverish with a horrible annoying cough. LadyWayne caught it and amplified it - she sounds like she's close to a chest infection. Bean's been a little tetchy - we're just hoping he doesn't pick it up, but it's looking unlikely.

    As a result I've not been at my post on here due to running around looking after them both and entertaining my mother, sister and her boyfriend on Boxing Day.

    Illnesses aside, and modesty left behind - we've decided, LadyWayne and I do the best Christmas our families have to offer.

    We've hardly drunked anything this Christmas, eaten kinda rubbish food and looking forward to 2010.

    I'm gonna get fit again - I want to be able to run around with Bean and be teh cool dad I never had.

    Oh, one good bit of news - LadyWayne's brother's girlfriend said yes. The the marriage proposal that is.

    Whoop whoop - good work dude.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?

  • #2
    Good to see ya back in action big 'un

    Our Chrimble was a bit damp squib-ish in places as all of my family is away/not visited, and MiL has been in and out of hospital for a few months now. But on the other hand, none of us have been horribly ill, and it's definitely been relaxing


    • #3
      So sorry to hear your Christmas wasn't all you wanted Wayne and you've all been so groggy, its crap when you feel...well, crap. Good news about the marriage though, have they set a date yet or is it early days?
      Here's to a Healthier New Year for all of you.


      • #4
        Hi Wayne - sorry to hear that things weren't just as you wanted this Christmas - but that's 2009, I think! I must admit, I wondered where you had got to! Bean's first Christmas is more for everyone else - I'm sure he won't bring it up in conversation later in life! Now you can only get away with that for a year or so more - then it all gets reely important to a youngster!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          Sorry you've been poorly...thankfully I've only suffered one Christmas with illness.Not nice.

          Ours was the usual mix.Since having the kiddies we've decided that quiet is best and aside from visitting Andi's mum Christmas morning(it's also her Birthday)we have a rather relaxed day at home...just the four of us.My childhood memories are of my mum stressing that Christmas would be ruined if the puddings(Yorkies)didn't rise etc,so although I make a little effort,dinner is never the most important thing of the day.It's a shame the weather was so darned cold as my plan was for a picnic lunch followed by stew & dumplings for tea.....Andi got his wish for a roast granted!
          We then spent Boxing Day at my Mum Dads,.My Mum wasn't great...she's suffered badly with depression since my older sis was born.Also my sis was particularly not great.Then,after complaining of tummy ache all day,her eldest boy had to be admitted to hospital after throwing up blood.He's home and OK now though.
          Last edited by di; 28-12-2009, 10:58 PM.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #6
            Sorry to hear you were poorly big fella. I have been ill the last two Christmases and it's a bit rubbish. We were very fortunate and had a lovely time and even my MiL behaved

            Reading Di's post put things in perspective too.
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • #7
              We opened pressies just the two of us, went to the lottie and I sowed some garlic and Mr Z turned over a bed [which was frozen and he grumbled the whole time]. So I took over and finished it off.

              Then we went home and had nachos. 10 mins to prepare. Yum.

              Then we faffed for England, watched a bit of TV; listened to the radio and then Mr Z's DD came over, so we opened her pressies then she was stuck in front of the Wii for about 5 hours. We had the woodburner on so she poked that a few times. Then Dr Who was on so she watched that.

              We had our chilli around 7pm, and OH's DD had a cheese cob and crisps. She'd already had Christmas dinner at her mum's.

              Boxing day we went to my Brothers in Wales and had a great day with the nieces. They put on a puppet show for us which was grand.

              For once, I didn't feel rotten at all I've had many bad Christmasses and what I learnt from them was to chill and do what I want to do, which is mainly being at home and eating what we want to eat. I haven't had a cold now [apart from one weekend] for 14 I'm pretty chipper on the 'flu' front.

              Hope everyone and their extended families are ok, and may healthiness return soon for those that are suffering.


              • #8
                Our Christmas was odd and disjointed this year due (first without FiL) - I am happy it has passed.

                Sorry to hear you've not been well but happy to hear you are on the mend.

                Congratulations to LW's brother and STBSiL


                • #9
                  What a bummer you and LW have been poorly, hopefully Bean will not get the bug. Used to do the big family Christmas - nearly drove me and Mr Frosty insane. We now have a quiet peaceful Christmas and visit family and friends on Boxing Day. 2010 will soon be with us all and I hope this is the year for us all to enjoy (and have no flaming slugs attack our crops)
                  Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 29-12-2009, 07:51 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                    Christmas would be ruined if the puddings(Yorkies)didn't rise
                    lol, because that's exactly what Mr TS said to me this year: I refused to make yorkies, so he shouted that I was going to ruin Xmas for his parents

                    I said calm down dear, it's only dinner

                    Ours went as OK as expected. I was ill, but still had to make the rounds of his rellies (not mine). I'm glad it's all done for another year, it's actually just a lot of stress and not much relaxation at all.

                    except for y'day, that was nice
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Yes, quite glad this one is over. Nothing bad happened, it was just that I was already exhausted from another big family occasion 2 weeks ago, then MiL arrived Tuesday before Xmas and is staying until New Year. She means well, but I can't relax and just get on with things because she wants to chat all the time.

                      By Boxing Day, when the rest of the family arrived and I did lunch for 8, I could barely face food. In fact, once I had put tea on the table for everyone else, I went for a lie down, I felt so sick. Unusually, OH wasn't a lot of help, playing driving games with the boys.

                      It all seemed a bit flat, and I felt I let everyone down by not being the life and soul (no-one else suggested a game, there was just TV or the radio times crossword - OK for Mum and MiL but everyone else felt left out).

                      I've just read that back and it sounds like a terrible whinge - sorry guys. No one was ill, we weren't trying to cope with a first Xmas without a special someone, looks like I need to get some perspective.......
                      Growing in the Garden of England


                      • #12
                        Mine was a bit flat too. Christmas Day was OK - went to middle daughters - she played with the kids while I cooked and cleaned - after dinner and few bevvies ended up doing karaoke. The rest of it seemed disjointed somehow. Had to go into work a couple of days. Didn't sleep well last night and now just feel washed out - no Oomph at all.


                        • #13
                          The trouble is I'm getting used to these long lie ins and will take it badly when I have to get up early for work again next week!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #14
                            I think we all get so worked up and expect something amazing and magical to happen at Christmas - then we're usually disappointed when it's just another day of stress and illness with presents! We remember wonderful childhood times at Christmas, but we didn't have the stress of yorkshire puddings to deal with! There are always those lovely surprise magical days at other times of the year, just once in a while it happens on Christmas day and then it's really special!
                            (I'm ill this year so we planned a quiet'ish time and with no expectations it turned out grand!).
                            Hope you're all feeling a lot better soon.
                            Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                            So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                            • #15
                              Once I got used to the idea that more than half my family weren't here for Xmas (and pushed aside the guilt for being over here) we actually had quite a calm time.
                              I suppose a new home means most of the self imposed traditions were able to slacken off a bit too.
                              Sorry you weren't well HW- it's never a good time to be ill is it?

                              I'm looking forward to a very quiet New Year to be honest!!!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


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