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Are you all warm enough folks??


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  • #16
    Originally posted by ailsasyl View Post
    problem with this house is the windows need new ones but not able to afford anytime soon, fngers crossed for a lotto win
    We're similar - the previous owner was a builder and we think he just plonked windows in he had spare from jobs. The ones at the front are the worst - you can see the net curtains/blinds move with the wind (with the windows shut).

    Trouble is, with 10 windows - two of which being bay windows, we can't afford to get them done either.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?


    • #17
      The last two nights its been too cold to sit in front room, (nothing on TV as far as I could see anyway) so I tucked up in bed and read a book - its nice and warm there and saves electricity for heating/lighting.
      During the day we all wear layers of clothes, (except my teenage son who thinks he will look naff and would rather get cold...) Heating is on in evening but the system is old, and radiators arent much cop in this cold weather.
      If we get gold, we just put on more clothing, or another blanket on the bed etc...


      • #18
        We dont have any heating in the house except a gas fire in the sittng/dining room (through terrace) we leave it on low all the time or it takes forever to reheat the room. Its around 16/17c, for sitting in the evening.
        We have two duvets on the bed, a 13 and a 9 topped when needed by our xmas pressie of a gorgeous thick fleece throw. But Al gives off heat like a nuclear reactor unless hes ill so they get thrown off a lot.
        Theres a fan heater in the bathroom, which could double as a fridge.
        But the windows upstairs are open for most of the day, so temp is rarely as high as 10 and we are used to it, and just wear layers.

        Out feeding horses/chooks I wear proper ski trousers or padded johds, thinsulate gloves and a wooly hat and am lovely and snug, unless its windy when my nose threatens to drop off
        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


        • #19
          its not as cold here as you guys are getting in the UK - coldest here was minus 3 the other night -its hovering around plus 2 at the moment - snow is forecast but it will be minor stuff - so our house is staying warm with just the wood burner - it is a 20kg one so is meant to heat a house this size....we dont heat the spare bedrooms or the verandah (conservatory type thing) and the bedroom doesnt get much above 16 degrees....but the kitchen/diner and sitting room are currently at 19.2 and will reach 21 by the evening ....if we want it any warmer the electric radiator goes on for a while.....
          we wanted an open fire in the sitting room but it appears it isnt legal to have two fires in the one chimney so we need to have a new chimney built on the opposite side of the house if we want another fire....might consider it.........


          • #20
            We havwe a max/min thermometer in our back garden Last night, Thursday, it was - 11C overnight. We are warmj enough, but despite double glazing, cavity wall and loft insulation we still have the CH on mjore or less continuously, jmust turning it up or down as needed
            Our house is a newish house and was built fromj new to have CH only, plus a smjall gas fire
            If we ever move, I'll definately look for a house with a proper fireplace, or can be converted back if it's been mjodernised. That way we can lay in our own fuel supplies, or find somje scrap timber if possible. That way we will be less dependant on the mjajmor energy suppliers, as I can see this becoming more of a problemj in years to come. We can also burn all the rubbish that hasn't been collected for about 3 weeks
            Sorry about the js; mjy son has spilt somjething on the keyboard!


            • #21
              It is very cold here in Rugby, we have had a low of -11 on Weds night. We have been keeping our curtains drawn all day whilst out at work to try and keep the house warmer as we have old sash windows to the front of the house and like Wayne's house they fit where they touch and are very drafty. We were quoted �2,500 to replace the bay window!! so they will have to wait. We are have blankets we snuggle under to watch tv and even the day has abandoned her bed in the living room and has been sneaking up stairs to sleep on the landing bless her! We have extra blankets on the bed and i have been wearing socks in bed, even OH who is a hot bod is feeling it, Thank fully he has let me shut the window cause he is cold, so i know it must be cold as our bedroom window is open every night all year round!
              When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


              • #22
                I have a wood burning stove that also runs my radiators so the more wood i feed it the warmer the house gets at the moment i have it lit from morning till i go to bed cant get it to stay in all night so quite chilly when i first get up i think that would be the only bonus of having gas heating but this way it dont cost me anything


                • #23
                  Hi WW - have you tried banking the fire up with the ash before you go to bed? It works best if you have a few big chunks glowing when you put the ash back over - you may find it stays on overnight too...Next morning you just riddle the ash and put new on as usual.
                  Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                  • #24
                    We have our heating on all day as we work from home (although not on very high) it goes off at night but back on 1st thing. I have also been wearing my good old M&S thermal leggings & long sleeved Polo neck under my normal clothes - albeit many many layers of my normal clothes & find this the best way to keep warm. Plus regular hot drinks.
                    keen but (slightly less) clueless


                    • #25
                      Ohhh....I must be bad then...our central heating is on continuously at about 25....too cold otherwise. Must be my blood being bred for higher temps....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by esrikandan View Post
                        Ohhh....I must be bad then...our central heating is on continuously at about 25....
                        good lord: that's hotter than a hot summer day round here. Don't you wear jumpers?
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-01-2010, 09:06 AM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #27
                          I have the heating on 24/7 atm, PLUS thermals and lots of layers. I do turn it down at nightime though
                          WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                          • #28
                            Our heating is on all day at the mo - sod the cost , but it's usually off if we're out. Frozen pipes are not usually an issue here, but they have been this week - no loo is no fun!

                            During the day, if I get cold, I go outside and do something constructive for a while, then it seems warm indoors. At least I can't see my breath in here today! In the evenings I put my all-in-one fleece on if I'm cold - it's just like a baby-grow, but adult size and with no feet.

                            I've taken our old duvet out of the caravan and we now have that on the bed on top of our current one. They are both Goose-down, so we're warm as toast at night. I am still having to wear socks though, because Mr. G says my feet are still like blocks of ice!
                            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                            • #29
                              Here's a picture of one of the Geese - I can tell when they're cold, because they snuggle down to keep their feet warm, just like in the picture.
                              Attached Files
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                              • #30
                                I have a bit of an insulation problem in the roof (shown by the melting snow!) so I need to fix that next year - along with the cold radiator in the bathroom (brrr). Keeping one room warm, microwave heating pad in my bed for the chilly bedroom, keeping up the exercise (new pedometer!) all helps at the moment. Along with discovering fleeces and a hat that belonged to my late OH - very cosy!
                                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


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