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Anyone else have Eczema?


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  • #16
    Another on/off sufferer here too - currently have it behind my knees, one of the classic places, and also get it on my hands. Always worse in the winter, bah.

    I went on a totally dairy free diet about 10 years ago, when it got really bad, which did the trick quite quickly - however, I just love cheese Gromit, so it was a real hardship! I now have dairy, but try not to get too carried away...

    I avoid steroid creams completely these days - I have found that chickweed cream (from the healthfood shop) helps, and I use Aqueous (sp?) cream too. Mostly I try to ignore it, which is totally useless advice I know! (I've started scratching just typing this )

    One thing I have realised over the years is that everyone has different things that help them, so it seems a case of trying lots until you find something that suits. I'd go with looking at a diet trigger though if things remain for very long.

    Oh, and I also use non bio wash (Ecover) and tend to try not to use conditioner that often on my stuff.

    Hope you find something that helps
    Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


    • #17
      soap products set mine off, even baby soap, dove doesn't ... and i also use aqueous cream instead of soap if i have an eruption ... non bio washing powder, and watch what you clean the bath with, as that can also leave a residue.... other than that i avoid anything with chemicals in if possible... and artificial colourings and flavourings, i also use sea salt in the bath, but moisturise well with aqeous cream or baby oil afterwards, ... i found most of it out by changing brands and seeing what the effect was, after accidentally using baby soap on my face.... you can also suddenly become sensitive to stuff you've always used.


      • #18
        I suffered from it years ago. hasn't come back for a long time now and I hope it stays that way. Tried all kinds of steroid creams, went to a skin specialist whos name, believe it or not, was Dr. Martin Bear, but I digress ...

        A friend of my sisters had a baby and the poor thing suffered from really bad eczema and the only thing she found that did any good was a cream called Unguentum Merck, yes I did spell that right. I tried it and it worked for me too. Curious thing is, it's just a heavy duty moisturiser, no "active ingredients", but if it works don't knock it.
        There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


        • #19
          If I had a pound for every "I/my baby/son/daughter/whoever had eczema, and cutting out dairy products cleared it up amazingly well" story I'd read when reading up on nutrition, I would be a very happy chappie. Diet does seem to have a very strong effect - but that might just be with some people...
          With me it is invariably on the insides of the elbows and very specific patches on my ears and legs, but it is usually stress rather than any obvious dietary thing. Which is weird given that there are a million different foods I cannot eat, including (until recently) dairy products !
          There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

          Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
            Any other Grapes got the same problem, and any cures other than blimmin steroid cream?

            Cheers all!

            Now don't think I'm joking but CIDER.

            A few years ago when I made cider from kits I was sat drinking a pint and scratching my leg like mad. Don't ask me why but I dipped my finger into the cider and wetted the sores on my leg.

            Instant relief!!

            As the night wet on I put cider on the sores every time they itched.

            After a few nights of repeated treatment the sores had scabbed over and whilst they stayed for a while they didn't itch and had gone in a year.

            And those sores never came back although I do have have others now. Unfortunately I don't drink cider now so use Dermavate.
            The proof of the growing is in the eating.
            Leave Rotten Fruit.
            Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
            Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
            Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


            • #21
              I had eczema all over my cheek as a child, and have had it on and off ever since. It's migrated to my hands, legs and arms now.

              I once had it on my eye lids, they went all flaky like dandruff, horrid.

              E45 and steroid creams made it worse, as did Bio washing powders, baths and showers. And swimming, obviously.

              I don't eat much dairy these days.

              I still get it during the winter, usually on my inside elbows, outside biceps, outside thighs, and a bad patch on my right ring finger (although I don't wear rings: that one came about when I got hair dye on it ... very bad reaction, then it flared up every year afterwards).
              I just use ordinary moisturiser if my skin is dry (Jergens or Body Shop body butter is great) but nothing if I have sores. I try not to let it get that far ... if I need to scratch, I slap instead because it doesn't break the skin.

              I don't bath or shower more than once a week: it's unnecessary and makes me itch. I just wash my pits and parts every day
              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-01-2010, 01:12 PM.
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #22
                Originally posted by pepper View Post
                I have it too, I use trimovate from the doctor, but i also use manuka honey cream from it is really good and has helped me more than the prescription cream. I have suffered with eczema for years and had so many different creams.
                Can you get Manuka Honey on the NHS. At �10. a small jar it's a costly experiment but I expect it keeps the cats happy.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by snohare View Post
                  If I had a pound for every "I/my baby/son/daughter/whoever had eczema, and cutting out dairy products cleared it up amazingly well" story I'd read when reading up on nutrition, I would be a very happy chappie. Diet does seem to have a very strong effect - but that might just be with some people...
                  With me it is invariably on the insides of the elbows and very specific patches on my ears and legs, but it is usually stress rather than any obvious dietary thing. Which is weird given that there are a million different foods I cannot eat, including (until recently) dairy products !
                  By the time I had the tests I had been on every steroid and had every steroid cream; so when I was cured within 48 hours - it was a godsend. I had it from head to foot back then; looked like an alien. Being back to being pale and uninteresting was a lifesaver


                  • #24
                    My eczema seems to be under control for now, I've had it so bad my nails all fell out, I get it on feet and hands. There are different types of eczema, dry and the one I get, infective - loads of little blisters that burst and spread creating the dry skin and the area increasing. My main saviour was Fucibet, and I have a supply of E45 at all hand wash areas to use as soap. I tend to get bad in the summer and the only washing detergent I can use is Fairy Non-bio.

                    It might be worth experimenting G4 to find out which washing detergent suits your skin better as clothes are a big factor
                    Hayley B

                    John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                    An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                    • #25
                      I really sympathise with you as I suffer from psoriasis, similar in some respects to eczema. I have had this only for the last 7 years, it is hereditary as my Father and his Sisters have it and now my daughter (who is in her 20's). Mine started from having a bite on my leg and another mark where I cut my leg shaving. I have tried all sorts of various creams, even some from the doctor here, but nothing seems to have worked. It is easier in the summer, as apparently sunshine is good for it. It is associated with stress apparently. In the past my legs and arms have been completely covered and also parts of my neck. But at the moment luckily, I only have it on my lower legs and elbows and on one of my eyelids. But it can flare up at any time and come back with a vengeance! It is very ugly and very embarrassing with large red, scaly marks that bleed if scratched, and it's very hard not to scratch sometimes! I can only say that the feeling I have on my legs is very similar to having burns and really hurts. Needless to say, that I only wear trousers as it is too embarrassing, especially in summer, to leave my legs bare, unless I am at home in the garden trying to get some sun on them. I do smother myself completely every day with a sensitive moisturiser, which does help the itching factor. I would love to have clear 'normal' skin again! So any suggestions or help would be wonderful as well.
                      Mrs TK
                      Mr TK's blog:
                      2nd Jan early tomato sowing.

                      Video build your own Poly-tunnel


                      • #26
                        WOW - what a response, thank you all you kind (scabby) peeps LOL

                        It used to be stress-related, and I had it on the backs of both knees and inner elbows, crutch (aaaarrrrggghhhh!), ears and the back and sides of my head. Now only a tiny patch on the back of one knee and where my knicker elastic goes. This week I have developed two small areas on the heel of one hand.

                        Doc gave me Fucibet cream, but I thought I'd rather try and eliminate the cause. I love a long soak in a hot bath, and usually use Sanex, but even without it it makes the itch worse, so it looks like I'm going to have to have fewer/cooler baths.

                        Lady in the health shop gave me sulphur tablets, which made a difference, but I haven't got round to getting any more lately. I only use non-bio, usually Persil, as anything bio makes me itch all over. I also usually only wear cotton next to my skin, for the same reason. I'm itching like a loony now coz I'm thinking about it!

                        I feel that dairy products may be a factor, as I drink gallons of milk, always have milky coffee, and eat loads of cheese. I have an intolerance of yeast and wheat, so tend to avoid them, and suspect I'm going to have to start avoiding or cutting down my intake of caffeine and dairy too. That and cutting down drastically on the booze, who knows, maybe I'll lose weight!

                        It's been interesting to read so many cases and remedies, and has certainly given me food for thought. Thanks to all you lovely peeps for your input, it is very gratefully received.

                        Cheers all,
                        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                        • #27
                          Try it just for a week chuck; and then you'll know.

                          I did it for 10 years. I went ape in Pizza Hut when I could eat cheese again. It wasn't a pretty sight


                          • #28
                            I've had eczema since childhood. Mine is usually confined to the head area, ears, face, scalp, but I do get large outbreaks on my turso and legs too. I don't think dairy is a major factor with me as I'm not too keen on it and, more importantly, when I have cut it out entirely it has made no difference at all. Without a doubt stress is a major contributor for me. I was born worried and have taken on the woes of the world since then! Seriously though, it does have a major effect on me. Even when I think I'm relaxed I'm stressed! I suppose this has really been highlighted for me over the past few months. My home, my car, my work space were all bearing clear evidence of my eczema. I was a walking snow machine. However, since I've become involved with a old flame again and entered that idilic place called 'heaven' there has been a massive improvement in the amount of skin I shed and my condition as a whole. My stress levels have definately dropped, and this is the result.

                            I've tried all kinds of creams and potions, but nothing has had as much of an effect as LOVE.
                            A good beginning is half the work.
                            Praise the young and they will make progress.


                            • #29
                              I don't think I explained the Oatmeal bath correctly to my OH!!!

                              Thought For The Day
                              If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                              Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by sweetiepea View Post
                                ... nothing has had as much of an effect as LOVE.
                                Mine started to clear up as soon as I was made redundant, that's how I know it was mainly stress-related, as I had a very stressful job. As for the love issue, I can't seem to get George Clooney's phone number, so I'll have to stay snuggled-up with Mr. G for a while longer LOL!
                                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


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