My son had very severe eczema right through babyhood and childhood - I found the strong creams would sometimes work briefly, only to have it come back as bad or worse than ever. He missed loads of school, either through not being well enough to go or because he could get so itchy in class that he would be allowed to go home.
When he was 15 I came across Bio Energy Therapy and he had a good number of sessions. I can honestly say he never looked back.
This is an 'alternative' or 'complementary' therapy, non-invasive and the practitioner did not require him to believe in it, the only thing she asked was that he would drink plenty of water.
He's now 22 and still has eczema - but only to a much less extent, and he handles it easily enough with Emulsifying Ointment and occasional use of 1% HC cream.
He still avoids dairy products, both because they definitely seemed to aggravate the eczema situation and because he's never liked them anyway.
I know not everyone would go for this type of therapy, some friends have said he would have got better anyway, but I believe Bio Energy certainly worked for him.
When he was 15 I came across Bio Energy Therapy and he had a good number of sessions. I can honestly say he never looked back.
This is an 'alternative' or 'complementary' therapy, non-invasive and the practitioner did not require him to believe in it, the only thing she asked was that he would drink plenty of water.
He's now 22 and still has eczema - but only to a much less extent, and he handles it easily enough with Emulsifying Ointment and occasional use of 1% HC cream.
He still avoids dairy products, both because they definitely seemed to aggravate the eczema situation and because he's never liked them anyway.
I know not everyone would go for this type of therapy, some friends have said he would have got better anyway, but I believe Bio Energy certainly worked for him.