It with annoyance I see a news item like this;
BBC News - County's road salt order diverted
because yesterday there was a report on telly from Hull saying how the local authority there had decided just to grit a single walkway through the local shopping parade, having done the whole of the pedestrian area prior to that!
The bloke then went on to comment how sales/footfall in the shops had dropped because people couldnt get to the shops. Well I may be missing something but surely thats better than the potential of more car accidents because the roads havent been gritted. 
Oh and another point - why did one council state (in another news report) that they had ordered their grit in plenty of time - December? - Oh yes of course thats PLENTY of time - NOT! grrrr
The footie matches (not that I am a fan myself) were mostly cancelled yesterday and schools were closed in most of the country last week (some areas I know with very good reason but some well...) yet I managed to get my two to school and playschool which is a one hour round trip, and quite hilly in part, with a bad pelvis, pushing a double pram? - mind you I am paying for that at the mo - ouch
Has the country gone mad????? Sorry rant over now - hope you all have a nice day!
BBC News - County's road salt order diverted
because yesterday there was a report on telly from Hull saying how the local authority there had decided just to grit a single walkway through the local shopping parade, having done the whole of the pedestrian area prior to that!

Oh and another point - why did one council state (in another news report) that they had ordered their grit in plenty of time - December? - Oh yes of course thats PLENTY of time - NOT! grrrr
The footie matches (not that I am a fan myself) were mostly cancelled yesterday and schools were closed in most of the country last week (some areas I know with very good reason but some well...) yet I managed to get my two to school and playschool which is a one hour round trip, and quite hilly in part, with a bad pelvis, pushing a double pram? - mind you I am paying for that at the mo - ouch

Has the country gone mad????? Sorry rant over now - hope you all have a nice day!