More from the Dalai Lama: "The new memories associated with this body are stronger [than those of the previous incarnation]. The past becomes smaller, vaguer [...]" So maybe our subconcsious operates as an archive, and all the things we've learned but don't use go into storage?
And to go back to your very first point, I wonder what we actually mean by 'personality'? If you mean traits like stubborness, sense of humour, tendency to being a whinger or whatever, I really think that we're born with those things - I can imagine a child brought up by wolves still having a tendency to be stubborn, or being happy-go-lucky, or being amused if wolf-mother tripped over her own feet, etc. Could be wrong though
And to go back to your very first point, I wonder what we actually mean by 'personality'? If you mean traits like stubborness, sense of humour, tendency to being a whinger or whatever, I really think that we're born with those things - I can imagine a child brought up by wolves still having a tendency to be stubborn, or being happy-go-lucky, or being amused if wolf-mother tripped over her own feet, etc. Could be wrong though
