It is definitely bullying behaviour. He' a big ignorant thug. Don't be imtimidated aby him.
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Feeling a bit shaky.
Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Not all us big guys are bullies - he just sounds like one of the numpty ones. Funeral or not, no need to shout and holler, and especially not to a lone woman.
He may be a bully, but I'd have him as a coward too.
Glad you're ok, and hopefully the twonk next door will be feeling like a bit of an idiot this morning.A simple dude trying to grow veg.
BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Poor you, what a horrid thing to happen - some people just beggar belief! Hopefully by now you are feeling a bit more together (not sure I would be though, I have to say).
To my mind there is no excuse whatsoever for such a vile outpouring, whatever the circumstances. I know it will be hard but I think my advice would be to just try to blank it out now (easier said than done I know). Chin up!Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
Poor you - hope you feel better today. I know it's much harder said than done but please try not to waste your energy feeling worried about it, he probably hasn't given it a second thought so neither should you.
I know it's much easier said than done as a similar thing happened when we first moved into our current house. After 3 days of the normal moving in noises the next door neighbour (our only neighbour for 1/2 mile or so) came steaming round in his underpants, foaming at the mouth, screaming that we were a*seholes for making so much noise. How dare we. Don't we know he's trying to sleep etc etc.
Well we were completely flabbergasted and apologised profusely and said we would keep the noise because he was so furious and we were totally taken back (plus we assumed he worked nights) ect.
Neither of us are little people, hubbies over 6 foot and I'm just under and with our tattoos and piercings, some people might find us a bit intimidating but we were totally shocked by his out burst. I hated being in the house by myself and worried every time I put the hoover on or something.
Turns out he never worked at all, he's just a lazy s*d and they're both barking mad (literally in the garden when it's dark I kid you not) so now I play music very loud when I want to and if he wants to complain then let him because next he comes round, we won't be very polite either.
((((hugs)))) Caro
I had a twonk yesterday park too close so I couldnt get one of my babies into the car. I had to wait for over 3/4 in the cold and wet whilst they reappeared, having had the receptionists asking all patients in all the clinics to try and find the ownerI was soooo angry - took all my self control to be polite so I think you did very well to hold it together. I would have been ever so upset if my situation had involved such a nasty twonk and would hate then having to live next to it. We are here if you ever need our support again ok hun. Big kisses from my girls (who are now warm yet still hungry - tut tut!) xxxx
Tammy x x x x
Fine and Dandy but busy as always
God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done
Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!
Thanks so much for all the support. My OH and I are actually away for the weekend, so I hope his wife is disgusted with him and keeps sending him over to see if we're in to apologise. (Well, I'd be disgusted if OH told me he'd stood on some woman's doorstep and swore at her).
Thanks again
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day
So sorry you had this idiot ranting at you, funeral or not there is no need for it.
When you get back from your weekend, perhaps you could go see the wife while himself is out of the way, and give your condolences to her explaining you hadnt been aware of the funeral taking place until later in the day. If the parking issue comes up during the conversation, explain your side of the matter to her calmly, and hopefully she will be more understanding than her hubby.
I am trying to be generous here by saying that he may have been terribly upset by the days events and your note was the final straw that made him flip, but I get the feeling he would be like that under any other circumstances too.
�If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal
As Wayne said not all big guys are bullies Mr Miffy is a big fella but he is just a big teddy.
No amount of stress or upset gives someone the right to treat you like that, regardless of his size he is just a silly old twit.When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown
Originally posted by miffy View Post... he is just a silly old twit.Last edited by RedThorn; 16-01-2010, 09:53 AM.Never test the depth of the water with both feet
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
I'm with Ammi - he'll get his comeuppance some day, even if you are not there to witness it. Yes, all bullies are cowards. Wonder what he would have said if your OH had answered the door?
Glad you're feeling better, Caro; it must have been horrible and you were already wound up by the cars on your pavement.
Thanks everyone.
Had a very pleasant weekend (becoming godmother to my friends' wee daughter) and am feeling fighting fit - as in fit to fight. Let him try it on. If I'm honest, I think the reason he got so irate was because I stayed calm and didn't lose my rag. While I felt shaky afterwards, I wasn't letting on to him, and you can't bully someone who doesn't seem scared!
So just let him try it again. I'll phone the police if he even thinks of trying to intimidate me!
Oh, and if karma does come around and he gets his come-uppance, how can i make sure I'm there to witness it?It would be a shame to miss such a sweet moment.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day
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