I'm often baffled by this. Organic, to me, unless I've got the wrong end of the stick is growing without chemicals/pesticides/etc producing a much tastier crop, yada yada yada....
However, really, I don't think it's just about that. It's also about the impact upon the environment. Organic veg/fruit when bought from your local supplier/farm/shop generally won't have as many food miles as your average supermarket alternatives would be.. Yet, I constantly see (espeically) organic (actually, fair trade ones too) bananas wrapped in plastic packaging, where as your other standard varieties of bananas are just freely hanging out, chilling loose in boxes ready to be rummaged through and taken off to their new home.
Why can't they just be sold in cardboard boxes, with stickers put on them so the checkout peeps can see that their organic? I don't think (though, I could be guilt of this in the past in my younger years
) people would change the stickers? The difference in price isn't that great anyway?
K, enough from me - perhaps having a casual beer and then pondering isn't something I should do often
However, really, I don't think it's just about that. It's also about the impact upon the environment. Organic veg/fruit when bought from your local supplier/farm/shop generally won't have as many food miles as your average supermarket alternatives would be.. Yet, I constantly see (espeically) organic (actually, fair trade ones too) bananas wrapped in plastic packaging, where as your other standard varieties of bananas are just freely hanging out, chilling loose in boxes ready to be rummaged through and taken off to their new home.
Why can't they just be sold in cardboard boxes, with stickers put on them so the checkout peeps can see that their organic? I don't think (though, I could be guilt of this in the past in my younger years

K, enough from me - perhaps having a casual beer and then pondering isn't something I should do often
