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Anyone got their BT bill?


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  • Anyone got their BT bill?

    Hi all

    Just a quick question. Anyone got their BT bill higher than normal? Just had a very interesting conversation with them and I'm standing my ground!

  • #2

    Maybe you did, maybe your bill is in the post, but a phone call tonight will lead to them ringing back tomorrow because the manager couldn't answer the questions and guess what, charges made for late payment according to them (which didn't happen when paying the last bill) taken off. The higher bill was due to 'their so called migration policy.' I asked a few questions and they couldn't answer it, because it's 'illegal' for want of a better word, amazing isn't it. Could have paid it but I challenged it. Please check your bill. Not into people being ripped off! Sorry for the rant!
    Last edited by MrsC; 26-01-2010, 07:26 PM.


    • #3
      That was the reason I left and moved over to NTL. Got sick and tired with these 'UK call centres' that still sound like they're abroad!!!
      All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
      For a cleaner, greener future!


      • #4
        What are we checking for - migration charges?

        I'll have a look in the morning.....thanks for the heads


        • #5
          Am i correct in saying that BT have altered their billing periods ? I have had this problem as I had 2 abnormally large direct debits ! My questions could not be answered overseas so I am waiting for a call back.
          Or the other bother of moving house or even just changing plans etc. The line is still the same, nothing changes physically you just pay your rent to someone else.
          I will follow this thread with interest. BT are not my friends.

          The link to my old website with vegetable garden and poultry photographs


          • #6
            Just checked our bill and it seems that the call plan charges have crept up.

            Is the 'migration' thing you refer to actually listed on the bill?
            Excuse me, could we have an eel? You've got eels down your leg.


            • #7
              Dont forget that the VAT went back up at the beginning of January that wont be helping.


              • #8
                I'm on the other side - as in, I actually like BT, I have (honestly) had excellent service from them when we moved into Benson and I couldn't get BB, which I need for my work.

                The engineers went over and above the call of duty to get me set up, it took just over a month, but they didn't give up. I was so impressed I wrote a letter of testimonial to their boss.

                As for my bill, I get an email each month telling me it's ready and online, I have just checked and it is quite a bit cheaper than it was last month, but then I haven't made so many (work) calls due to the Christmas period.

                I hope you get it sorted tho MrsC


                • #9
                  We hardly ever use the phone, just have it because you can't internet without, and as a fax line. For business reasons, we need a paper bill (and we prefer to pay the right amount, not some weird estmate). I deeply resent being charged �4.50 for each bill, simply because we don't want to pay by DD.
                  Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                  • #10
                    Hi all, sorry just logged on. I was annoyed last night! I got a bill for nearly �200 and I was livid!!! I rung them up, very calm throughout. They have altered their billing period, 2.5% VAT rise I knew about and expected and which made no difference really. I asked them to explain my bill, they didn't know what they were talking about. I am on paperless billing and when I asked them if they had informed me of the 'migration or so called billing period change' they told me it was on their website but claimed they hadn't told anyone to read it. I was told to read my 'nice little booklet' that came with my bill and this was suddenly changed to 'oh no, you don't have paper bills do you?' Sorry, but it aroused my suspicions further. They removed a charge they had on my bill for 'late payment' WHAT? It was an unbelievable conversation. They then started quoting contracts, I asked for a copy, they said they couldn't provide it, because it was verbal and taken out by me in July 2003, I didn't even live in this property then? They couldn't answer that one, I was put through to a manager who explained that the girl who had given me the info was 'just out of training.' The manager said she thought I had raised a valid point and that she would put it across to her managers that BT should inform customers of changes. Bizarre. Mr C then had a chat and this manager read from a script, when she was asked to explain she couldn't. Still awaiting a phone call. Just to clarify I was told that the 'migration charges' aren't on the bill but in the booklet sent with it or on their website, but your not told to read it. I won't back down, it's a joke!

                    Sorry, just re-read my posts last night, the charge was for late payment last bill which didn't happen but they added it anyway and it didn't state on the bill. I was too angry to think straight last night! I have edited my previous posts, sorry for the confusion!
                    Last edited by MrsC; 26-01-2010, 07:30 PM.


                    • #11
                      We have had an insanely bad time with bt for yonks stand your ground it can be arduous but it can be worth it in the end.

                      Please give blood and if possible please give bone marrow.

                      SAVE LIVES TODAY

                      Subscriber to the mojo mailing list


                      • #12
                        We're with NTL/Virgin have cable TV, phone & broadband total bill for month about �45.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #13
                          Im with Pipex, all in BB and landline anytime free call package (free landline calls at ANY time of day or night xcept 0845 nos). Averages �60 per quarter, BT charge for same thing �120 per quarter..even they admit they cant beat it.
                          We keep the line rental with BT cos the only time we didn't they took TWO MONTHS to reconnect us.
                          Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                          • #14
                            We are with Talktalk (Carphone wharehouse).
                            Our bill is around �23 a month and includes free up to 60 minutes on 01 and 02 numbers all day, every day and also includes free calls to Australia. Free broadband, line rental included.
                            We took it out with them about three years ago when they had a special offer on. We were taken at the time with the free broadband because we only had dial up then.
                            When it came to it though it turned out that the free broadband wasn't applicable to us at the time because they didn't have it in our area. We were assured that it would become free as soon as they did.
                            We were VERY sceptical as it seemed a take on but because we worked it out that it was still cheaper than we were paying BT at the time, we took the chance and did it. (Cheaper even allowing for the extra �10 that carphone whacked on for the broadband)
                            We were very surprised about 18 months later (sorry vague on these dates - don't have the bills to hand) when they informed us that as we were now in their area for free broadband they were not taking the extra money in future. I was so shocked I emailed for confirmation and got a very pleasant reply saying I had read it correctly.
                            We have paperless billing but they email me each month to tell me the bill is ready on line.
                            The bills are a hell of a lot clearer than BT's who always confused me because they appeared to do the credit with a minus figure
                            Probably shouldn't say this, tempting providence and all that, but they are very good sorting out problems and yes, you do have to speak to somebody called Patrick or Doris or whatever when you ring with computer queries and you know full well they are in India or somewhere but they are very clever and if they can't help you then they will eventually give you a special number to contact in England.
                            And no - I don't work for them!!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MrsC View Post
                              I got a bill for nearly �200 and I was livid!...They have altered their billing period
                              I'm still not with you (but then, I have a head cold).

                              I don't know what are 'migration charges'?

                              (our BT bill just came, and it was normal, apart from VAT rise). I find BT bills very difficult to understand, personally. They're about 6 pages long, and not written in plain English.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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