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what breed of dog do you have?


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  • #61
    Charlie is a Sprollie (Springer x Collie) - fast as **** and daft as a brush, hyperactive but is absolutely superb ly patient and gentle with the girls, especially Niamh (2 year old).
    I have in the past had a Parsons Jack Russel, a Dalmation, 4 collies, a Beardie and a Huntaway.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #62
      Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
      You could borrow Murphy for a day! He is the ultimate couch potato dog - happy to snooze on the sofa all day - how could you not like that!
      Seconded - Boo is happy to snooze all day too but comes to instant life if she hears the 'w' word or her lead being taken off the hook!! I'll admit to being very naughty and ignoring all the 'rules' Boo sleeps on my bed with me at night...feel better knowing she is there.
      Kirsty b xx


      • #63
        Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
        Seconded - Boo is happy to snooze all day too but comes to instant life if she hears the 'w' word or her lead being taken off the hook!! I'll admit to being very naughty and ignoring all the 'rules' Boo sleeps on my bed with me at night...feel better knowing she is there.
        The only 'rule' that is absolute is BE THE BOSS! If it suits both of you for dog to sleep on your bed, that is fine, so long as both of you know that it is YOUR decision, not hers!
        Gemma is occasionally my hot water bottle, and she always seems to end up on the bed the night before we have to leave them in kennels for a few days (she knows!) but if I say "Off", she gets off!
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #64
          We have a rough-coated Jack Russell, mainly white with tan(ginger) patches - she's about 3 now. She has a wonderful, gentle nature if a little off the wall at times!

          Last summer we adopted a Chihuahua, long-haired with almost identical colouring to the JR. Mad as a basket of fish, loves my son - she's mainly his dog - but growls at me every time I go to pick her up or stroke her - she does also try and taste female human flesh - bad girl - but only mine! She's recenty been diagnosed with suspected epilepsy and had her 3rd seziure last weekend - quite scarey - but at least we now know what we're dealing with.

          They get on fine together and even with the 3 cats and tortoise. When they run about together I think of them as Dr Evil and Mini-me - they look so funny.


          • #65
            ok messed this one up see next post
            Last edited by binley100; 02-02-2010, 08:30 PM.
            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


            • #66
              Loving those ears Grahama
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • #67
                Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                We've got 2 mental Boxers....

                Max (left) is 4 this month, and Murphy (right) is 3 in June
                Just curious OWG. Did Max and Murphy go to dog classes in fleetwood? Sorry if I have the wrong person. Misty attended with 2 boxers and Im sure they were called Max and Murphy.
                Last edited by SMT; 02-02-2010, 08:53 PM.
                My 3D Pumpkin Carvings

                2014 Giant Pumpkin Diary


                • #68
                  Some lovely dogs on this thread.
                  I've got a black Labrador, Holly, she's been right by my side through some tough times, dogs can really be a godsend.
                  She's also a lazy bugger as can be seen in this pic
                  Attached Files
                  Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over
                  here, looking through your stuff.



                  • #69
                    We have Harvey (Lurcher X Bedlington), Luka (Wheaten Terrier X) and Davey (Lhasa Apso).

                    All wonderful dogs...with very different personalities. A dog is very much what you make it....a product of it's all of us!
                    Attached Files
                    I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

                    Our Blog -


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by SMT View Post
                      Just curious OWG. Did Max and Murphy go to dog classes in fleetwood? Sorry if I have the wrong person. Misty attended with 2 boxers and Im sure they were called Max and Murphy.
                      Yes, we went to classes at Farmer Parr's in Fleetwood

                      Hadn't noticed you were in PLF - we're just over the bridge in Preesall/Knott End!


                      • #71
                        You might find if you work all day then many rescues will not rehome a dog to you - they are fussy like that. If you can arrange for someone to come in during the day to let the dog out for a run then it's much better. A retired greyhound might be just up your street - they are apparently really couch potatoes, needing a little exercise but not hours and hours. Google GAGAH (Give a greyhound a home) and you'll find out lots more.

                        I have a cocker spaniel (working strain - they have shorter coats) and she is very lovable, but such hard work! I wouldn't be able to have her if I couldn't bring her into the office with me, it just wouldn't be fair on her.

                        There's a dog profiler somewhere on the 'net where you can plug in info like how much time per day you can spend walking, how much time the dog would be alone, time spent grooming etc then it comes out with breeds that might be suitable. Can't for the life of me remember where it is though... I wouldn't recommend any working/herding breed for your situation though (includes springer spaniel, cocker spaniel, visla, collie, german shepherd), they are bred to work and need a lot more attention than it sounds like you can give them.

                        Dwell simply ~ love richly


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Birdie Wife View Post
                          You might find if you work all day then many rescues will not rehome a dog to you - they are fussy like that. If you can arrange for someone to come in during the day to let the dog out for a run then it's much better. A retired greyhound might be just up your street - they are apparently really couch potatoes, needing a little exercise but not hours and hours. Google GAGAH (Give a greyhound a home) and you'll find out lots more.

                          I have a cocker spaniel (working strain - they have shorter coats) and she is very lovable, but such hard work! I wouldn't be able to have her if I couldn't bring her into the office with me, it just wouldn't be fair on her.

                          There's a dog profiler somewhere on the 'net where you can plug in info like how much time per day you can spend walking, how much time the dog would be alone, time spent grooming etc then it comes out with breeds that might be suitable. Can't for the life of me remember where it is though... I wouldn't recommend any working/herding breed for your situation though (includes springer spaniel, cocker spaniel, visla, collie, german shepherd), they are bred to work and need a lot more attention than it sounds like you can give them.
                          Yep! The intelligent breeds are NOT suitable for busy owners. Ex-racing greyhounds are a bit dim and VERY laid back. There are other breeds that fit the description, but if the 'image' is of a dog always on the alert, it needs someone THERE to keep its mind occupied! If a dog thinks, you have to ensure it thinks what YOU permit.......
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #73
                            I have Murphy, a sprocker spaniel (springer/cocker cross) and he is a fab dog. Great fun, full of life and very, very loving. He's fine in the house when we're out. I also have Paddy, a cocker spaniel. He's just a pup so his full character isn't out yet but I would say my sprocker has the better temperament. Sprockers rock!!


                            • #74
                              Two rescue German shepherds.....

                              Well thats not strictly true. Dippy is a Shepherd with a bit of lab mixed in.
                              Neon is a King shepherd, which is GSD x Malamute x pyranian mountain dog.

                              They love eash other and us to bits.
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                                Yes, we went to classes at Farmer Parr's in Fleetwood

                                Hadn't noticed you were in PLF - we're just over the bridge in Preesall/Knott End!
                                I thought so. We attended the classes at Farmer Parr's too. Small world!
                                My 3D Pumpkin Carvings

                                2014 Giant Pumpkin Diary


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