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Wedding Reading


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  • Wedding Reading


    Does anyone know of a nice/funny/romantic reading/poem we can have a friend read at our wedding?

    I've had How do I count the ways suggested, but wondered if there is anything else people can suggest.

    Cheers mucho.


  • #2
    We had two readings...this excerpt from As I Walked Out (Auden)

    As I walked out one evening,
    Walking down Bristol Street,
    The crowds upon the pavement
    Were fields of harvest wheat.

    And down by the brimming river
    I heard a lover sing
    Under an arch of the railway:
    'Love has no ending.

    'I'll love you, dear, I'll love you
    Till China and Africa meet,
    And the river jumps over the mountain
    And the salmon sing in the street,

    'I'll love you till the ocean
    Is folded and hung up to dry
    And the seven stars go squawking
    Like geese about the sky.

    'The years shall run like rabbits,
    For in my arms I hold
    The Flower of the Ages,
    And the first love of the world.'

    ...and The Good Morrow by John Donne

    I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
    Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
    But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
    Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers� den?
    �Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
    If ever any beauty I did see,
    Which I desired, and got, �twas but a dream of thee.

    And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
    Which watch not one another out of fear;
    For love, all love of other sights controls,
    And makes one little room an everywhere.
    Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
    Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,
    Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.

    My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
    And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
    Where can we find two better hemispheres,
    Without sharp north, without declining west?
    Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;
    If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
    Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.

    Whatever you choose, you'll love it - have a fabulous time planning it all!
    I don't roll on Shabbos


    • #3
      I read this for my brother - it raised a few chuckles, esp the bit about picking your nose! lol

      O Tell Me The Truth About Love

      Some say love's a little boy,
      And some say it's a bird,
      Some say it makes the world go around,
      Some say that's absurd,
      And when I asked the man next-door,
      Who looked as if he knew,
      His wife got very cross indeed,
      And said it wouldn't do.

      Does it look like a pair of pyjamas,
      Or the ham in a temperance hotel?
      Does its odour remind one of llamas,
      Or has it a comforting smell?
      Is it prickly to touch as a hedge is,
      Or soft as eiderdown fluff?
      Is it sharp or quite smooth at the edges?
      O tell me the truth about love.

      Our history books refer to it
      In cryptic little notes,
      It's quite a common topic on
      The Transatlantic boats;
      I've found the subject mentioned in
      Accounts of suicides,
      And even seen it scribbled on
      The backs of railway guides.

      Does it howl like a hungry Alsatian,
      Or boom like a military band?
      Could one give a first-rate imitation
      On a saw or a Steinway Grand?
      Is its singing at parties a riot?
      Does it only like Classical stuff?
      Will it stop when one wants to be quiet?
      O tell me the truth about love.

      I looked inside the summer-house;
      It wasn't over there;
      I tried the Thames at Maidenhead,
      And Brighton's bracing air.
      I don't know what the blackbird sang,
      Or what the tulip said;
      But it wasn't in the chicken-run,
      Or underneath the bed.

      Can it pull extraordinary faces?
      Is it usually sick on a swing?
      Does it spend all its time at the races,
      or fiddling with pieces of string?
      Has it views of its own about money?
      Does it think Patriotism enough?
      Are its stories vulgar but funny?
      O tell me the truth about love.

      When it comes, will it come without warning
      Just as I'm picking my nose?
      Will it knock on my door in the morning,
      Or tread in the bus on my toes?
      Will it come like a change in the weather?
      Will its greeting be courteous or rough?
      Will it alter my life altogether?
      O tell me the truth about love.
      Last edited by janeyo; 02-02-2010, 08:28 PM.


      • #4
        The life that I have
        Is all that I have
        And the life that I have is yours
        The love that I have
        Of the life that I have
        Is yours and yours and yours

        Leo Marks

        Trouble is, the last bit of the poem is about dying, so I haven't quoted it here!
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • #5
          Check out this thread

          gave me inspiration for our readings for our wedding last year.
          Kirsty b xx


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