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RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture


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  • RHS Level 2 Certificate in Horticulture

    Does anyone know if it's possible to take the exams without having done the course? I wasn't sure if you could apply to take the exams without being put forward for them by a distance learning provider. I have borrowed all the course materials from a friend and the past papers are all online, so I've got a rough idea of the level I'm expected to be working at. I'm quite happy to teach myself, but I don't want to work my way through it only to discover that I won't be allowed to take the exams. I can't find the information online anywhere and I thought someone here might be able to help, before I'm forced to overcome my phobia of phones and give them a call!

    Mrs J

  • #2
    I think you can but it costs more as the funding is based around contact hours; on my Cert in Gardening, you have to sit the exam or they charge you the extra �2k as the funding relies on the full hours/exam being taken.

    You might have to sign up for the course, and attend a couple of sessions in order to meet funding requirements; or just [pick up that phone] and ask to sign up for the exam only......


    • #3
      Having recently completed RHS II at a college (one-day a week) I would do the course all over again, with or without the exam at the end of it - it was thoroughly enjoyable.


      • #4
        I am pretty sure you can just take the exams - you will need to talk to the RHS to get you allocated to an exam centre. The exam fees are always on top of tuition, that's why I'm confident you don't have to do a course to sit the exam.

        While we're on the subject of RHS Exams, lots of luck to everyone who is taking Advanced Cert exams next week - like me. It has been very hard work but (I hope) worth it.

        Good luck all (and sorry to hijack the thread!)
        Growing in the Garden of England


        • #5
          Thanks everyone, I'm going to try to persuade Mr J to phone the 2 local colleges that do the exam next week and find out about whether it's allowed and also costs. I'd love to do the course properly but sadly funds won't allow it at the moment :-(

          Mrs J


          • #6
            i assume the fees are the same everywhere, i paid �300 and that included the exams. someone told me i could probably get an ILA (Individual Learning Account) - sceptical as i never qualify for these things, i applied and to my great surprise i got �200 towards it (maximum allowed for that type of course).

            so i suggest you apply for one and you might find you really enjoy the course. I've made some fab friends and learned loads (nearly as much as i learn from here!).
            like piskie, i'd do it again if i could!



            • #7
              Just googled and it appears England closed down ILAs in 2003 because of misuse and fraud, oh dear!

              Mrs J


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mrs Jackson View Post
                Just googled and it appears England closed down ILAs in 2003 because of misuse and fraud, oh dear!

                Mrs J
                They certainly did; which is why the funders of courses insist on 'contact time' these days.

                The providers would go from door to door asking people if they were interested and sign here if you were; and would claim down the ILA on their behalf.


                • #9
                  oh thats shocking! i didnt know that. wonder why scotland didnt - are we more honest than the english???? i doubt it somehow!


                  • #10
                    I think its unlikely you can just do the exam without the course work, its something to do with Funding Rules from the government.

                    On the course I'm currently on, 1 person wants to continue the course without the exams at the end, but has been told absolutely no as the funding board wont allow it. so they left. I know your request is opposite way round, but its similar.
                    Blogging at.....


                    • #11
                      * bumped for Insy
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        My RHS exams cost me �45 per module at a local college.

                        PS - I took the AS Level General Studies without having done any of the course....and ended up with a B+.

                        Still amazed at this.


                        • #13
                          RHS exam(s)

                          Originally posted by Mrs Jackson View Post
                          Does anyone know if it's possible to take the exams without having done the course? I wasn't sure if you could apply to take the exams without being put forward for them by a distance learning provider. I have borrowed all the course materials from a friend and the past papers are all online, so I've got a rough idea of the level I'm expected to be working at. I'm quite happy to teach myself, but I don't want to work my way through it only to discover that I won't be allowed to take the exams. I can't find the information online anywhere and I thought someone here might be able to help, before I'm forced to overcome my phobia of phones and give them a call!

                          Mrs J

                          Hi there,

                          On reply to your article above.

                          It is possible to sit the above externally across the UK. The total amount is �90- this consists of 2 exams at �20 and 2 at �25.
                          These exams can be taken over time eventually.

                          Happy gardening.

                          Andy. ( Kirriemuir)


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