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Calling all laptop users.....


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  • Calling all laptop users.....

    Trying hard to save up for my first laptop but I have no idea what to get or to look for. I am happy to save long and hard in order to get a good one.
    A lot at work have Sony Vaio and this is what I think I would like....we have a lot of clever computer peps here (software writers etc) so I guess they would choose well.
    What should be on my list of requirements, I did google Sony of course, but got even more confused and went no further with any other makes.

    I would like to use Wifi and will need to be able to link with home printer.
    I dont do games, but have friends that are miles away- web cam? and do lots of committee work - typing and spreadsheets. I would like to save my photos on the laptop if possible, so has to have good picture quality
    I dont want a tiny one or one that is to big or heavy to carry.

    Any ideas would be really helpful.......thanks kind grapes
    Last edited by Headfry; 05-02-2010, 10:08 AM.

  • #2
    Most laptops will do what you require. I just bought my son this one. It has a dual core processor, widescreen, wifi, webcam and expandable RAM.

    HP Compaq 615 Laptop - Laptops at Ebuyer

    If you don't want to play games then you don't need high spec graphics or processor.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      Let me tell you about my new work lappietoppie Headfry:

      Its a Toshiba 'Satellite Pro'
      It has a 15.4" screen, so its not rediculously big or small
      It came with Vista, but IT have upgraded it to Windows 7 for me (which is really nice to use once you get the hang of it)
      Its got a dual core processor 9I don't know what that means)
      It has two internal hard drives, so I've been able to rip a load of CDs onto it.
      Has a built in webcam, and i can therefore Skype with it.

      My work sound similar to yours, Excel, Word, Emails, Web, some photos. Like you, I don't play games on it, so it doesn't need to be really high spec.

      Initially I was a bit 'Toshiba? But I want a pink Dell!!', but I've had it for a week now and I really like it and would reccommend it.


      • #4
        Asking this as almost akin to 'how do I grow parsnips?'.....everyone will have a different answer.....

        For me, I've had countless laptops and desktops over the years, Toshiba, Dell, Sony, Lots of work ones that I've tried to put to the back of my mind and yes - my macbook here is the one I've had least trouble with ever.

        It is light [we took it to New York and it linked up to wireless networks wherever we went],
        it has iphoto which gives pretty much all the image manipulation you need unless you plan to sell photos professionally,
        webcams are built in - and can be used for photos or videos
        it links into any printers without any hassle;
        it is fast,
        you can use firefox and get rid of ads and popups etc;
        you can download open office for free which is compatible with word, excel etc [just save in to .doc or .xls iles],
        you can save into pdf files at the touch of a button;
        it doesn't get any viruses so you save money there as well and there are free programs for pretty much everything you need [including programs that are very expensive in Windows Operating systems].
        I really can't fault it in any way.

        My only computer issues now are when I go into other people's companies and look aghast at their systems and the cumbersome nature of them and shudder. Then spend an hour trying to get it working properly so that I can do the simplest of jobs. Tsk.

        And it doesn't need ctr-alt-delete and never performs illegal operations and shuts down without permission
        Last edited by zazen999; 05-02-2010, 10:27 AM.


        • #5
          Oooh yeah, if I was not dependent on work using Microsoft and recommended PCs then I'd plump for a Mac.

          Vegetable Kingdom blog


          • #6
            Zazen said the 'P' word!!! Ummmm


            • #7
              Originally posted by Capsid View Post
              Oooh yeah, if I was not dependent on work using Microsoft and recommended PCs then I'd plump for a Mac.
              You know it makes sense

              I DO need to produce Microsoft Files for people, but just use ODS until I am ready and then save them a copy in Microsoft files; it's SO easy!!!


              • #8
                Zazen you are right about the 'parsnip' thing.......
                I don't even know what questions to ask so any replies will make me think about things.
                if you don't need a high spec for games does that mean your photos wont be very good?
                I can only just find my way round windows (I use this at work) would changing to a Mac hinder me?
                Sorry in advance for any following very dumb questions. I hope you are all sitting comfortably- could be a long and bump ride!
                A big thank yous xx
                Last edited by Headfry; 05-02-2010, 10:38 AM.


                • #9
                  If I was to buy a laptop, I think I would spend an hour or 2 in PC World or similar getting the feel of them. How they respond, how the keyboard feels etc.
                  sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                  Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                  Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                  KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                  • #10
                    The thing with Macs is - you open them up and they just work.

                    You don't need to find your way around them because they do it for you.

                    You set the time, and date and wallop! Off you jolly well go.

                    Plug your camera in, and it starts up Iphoto and asks you if you want to upload the images on your camera [yes], then asks if you want to delete them once done [yes] and saves them whichever way you want them, with the default being in date order. Each day's shoot is separated so you don't even have to do that [just rename the day's shoot as 'Colchester']. SO you can upload a week's holiday snaps and each day's events are separate [nifty!]

                    Pop a DVD in and it starts up the DVD player

                    Pop a CD in and itunes pops up.

                    It's designed to follow your way of thinking, rather than being too applications shows all the applications, the downloads that you have got are under - downloads and your documents are under - documents....and you can search under 'documents' 'images' or 'movies' really is ridiculously simple to find stuff when you need it...

                    And some of the applications that you can get from the net are seriouly easy to use - you drag and drop stuff and it does what you want rather than have to learn complicated processes....
                    Last edited by zazen999; 05-02-2010, 10:55 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Capsid View Post
                      Oooh yeah, if I was not dependent on work using Microsoft and recommended PCs then I'd plump for a Mac.
                      i have a imac as my main computer and brought a microsoft windows pack for apple and i use my lap top which is not mac and work computer and have no problems transfering files/emails etc


                      • #12
                        Hi Headfry, I have an Acer 5735z and I love it, this is my first lappy so Its been a learning curve for me, I'm not the most confident when it comes to computers but even I can find my way round this one. It dose all the things I want to do, plus a hell of a lot more that I haven't even thought of doing in the hands of experienced friends. I'm not going into all the Jorgan cos I don't understand it all myself . Have a look...the link's below. Good luck with what ever lappy you decide on. xx

                        Acer Laptops | Buy Acer Aspire Laptops, Acer Netbooks, Acer Notebooks from Acer Direct � ... � Acer Aspire 5700 Series


                        • #13
                          Watching with interest as this venerable beast is about to expire so need a new one.
                          Was heading towards a Viao, as have used them before and liked them.
                          Mate of mine has a Mac, swears by it, but I just didnt get on with it at all. Nothing was where it should be, I'm sure its a question of learning new habits but I just didnt like it.

                          Thats the limit of my technial input I'm afraid HF.
                          Bob Leponge
                          Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                            Mate of mine has a Mac, swears by it, but I just didnt get on with it at all. Nothing was where it should be, I'm sure its a question of learning new habits but I just didnt like it.
                            Too logical for ya, eh?


                            • #15
                              Everything is academic until you decide on a budget , all laptops will have wifi built in and as long as your printer is not ancient, i.e. using printer ports (parallel port) instead of USB then as long as the drivers are available and work with your chosen operating system this shouldn't be a problem.

                              If you are just using it as a sort of word processor and viewing/storing pictures then it doesnt have to be at the top end in terms of power, however if you want it to manipulate graphic images you would need a good graphics card that if budget allows comes with its own memory instead of sharing it with the onboard memory which is what most laptops and newer desktops now do, you would also need a fair bit of memory because graphic manipulation software like Photoshop Elements or CS4 and even GIMP2 (free) struggles in low memory environments.

                              If this laptop was to be used in a corporate environment we would always (always, always) recommend a 3 year warranty, not from someone like PC World, Comet etc but from the manufacturer, this is because laptops get a lot more wear and tear and the cost of component replacement is far beyond that of replacing something in a desktop/workstation.

                              And finally and tongue in cheek, as a network administrator, software writers are viewed as bottom feeders , if you think about it its software writers that cause all the problems in the first place.

                              PS If you are pricing up against a Dell laptop then I maybe able to get it cheaper than what they sell it for on the web


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