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Lockers at work - can they 'make' you use them?


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  • #31
    I still say it is sex discrimination to require 'handbags' to be stored, and THAT is your strongest argument. Trying to get a solution is best, but if solutions are not forthcoming (because management are not listening) you need something they won't want to be accused of. I tend to dislike the 'discrimination' legislation (or rather, the way it is all too often used), but I could make an exception for this sort of situation. This sounds like exactly what these laws SHOULD be about!
    The other thing is that if your line manager is being unhelpful, surely you are entitled to go to the next level up to complain about that person's attitude?
    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


    • #32
      Minskey it is time to call on your union to negotiate on behalf of you and your colleagues. They have access to legal advice from 'head office' too.
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
        I still say it is sex discrimination to require 'handbags' to be stored
        I'd disagree i'm afraid HB. There's nothing that states that handbags can only be carried by women. If the company had said 'Only womens' handbags have to be stored', then yes, it would be sexual discrimination. But I'd expect that any guys who brought some kind of handbag/manbag/rucksack to work would be expected to use the lockers too.
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        • #34
          Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
          I'd disagree i'm afraid HB. There's nothing that states that handbags can only be carried by women. If the company had said 'Only womens' handbags have to be stored', then yes, it would be sexual discrimination. But I'd expect that any guys who brought some kind of handbag/manbag/rucksack to work would be expected to use the lockers too.
          Yep, but in practice very few men do, and the law has been used for similar situations. For once, I think it should be (if only to give the management a scare).
          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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