Ok, so Mum went to my brother up in Kent for Christmas.
She was supposed to be there until the 17th Jan, but managed to go down with a chest infection which landed her in Margate hospital for three weeks. She came out for two days and went down with Novavirus and had to be re-admitted.
While she was in there the first time she was examined by a team of students who "discovered" a lump. This was no news to us as we had already had the dotor down here look at it and been assured it was "an old age thing" and nothing to worry about. She'll be eighty in September.
Turns out it is. Breast Cancer.
With all mum's health problems - heart desease, lung desease, kidney desease, COPD, asthma, diabetes - we all said, "Well at least she hasn't got THAT".
The chances of operating are nil due to the fact thar she probably wouldn't survive the operation, and they are talking about Radiation and Hormonal Therapy.
I've known about this for a couple of days, but having spoken to my brother about getting her home and beginning treatment -with all it entails, I'm suddenly feeling just a tad overwhelmed and not a little shakey!
Sorry to bum you all out on a Monday morning, but I could do with knowing I'm not alone in all this.
She was supposed to be there until the 17th Jan, but managed to go down with a chest infection which landed her in Margate hospital for three weeks. She came out for two days and went down with Novavirus and had to be re-admitted.
While she was in there the first time she was examined by a team of students who "discovered" a lump. This was no news to us as we had already had the dotor down here look at it and been assured it was "an old age thing" and nothing to worry about. She'll be eighty in September.
Turns out it is. Breast Cancer.
With all mum's health problems - heart desease, lung desease, kidney desease, COPD, asthma, diabetes - we all said, "Well at least she hasn't got THAT".
The chances of operating are nil due to the fact thar she probably wouldn't survive the operation, and they are talking about Radiation and Hormonal Therapy.
I've known about this for a couple of days, but having spoken to my brother about getting her home and beginning treatment -with all it entails, I'm suddenly feeling just a tad overwhelmed and not a little shakey!
Sorry to bum you all out on a Monday morning, but I could do with knowing I'm not alone in all this.