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Valentine's Day, What Are You Doing??


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  • #91
    Mr DDL was playing golf this morning, and as its Valentines Day, as a special treat, this afternoon when he gets back he's going to load the car up with a lot of rubbish I need to get rid of and take it to the tip for me - no one can accuse me of not being romantic!
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #92
      Just been sitting outside in the sunshine for the past hour!
      The granite stones have absorbed heat and the sun is reflected off the snow covered lawn
      Think I may just have started my 2010 suntan!!

      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #93
        RedThorn, and Jo and kiddies popped over this morning to deliver Valentino (the Cockerel), which was great. Steve even helped me muck-out the Chooks! Then I did some laundry (yawn), had a lazy day really. Watched the Rugby too, which was good!

        Roast Beef tonight - smells good already!
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • #94
          Well i had a double treat today as it is my birthday, Got a lovely new wheelbarrow(how sad) then out for a lovely lunch. Pitty about the weather drizzely all day


          • #95
            Our 'togetherness' was going to be a trip to the lottie but it was raining and looking rather grim so that was cancelled. I managed to get out for a walk to our local and dragged him along for a drink. Now I'm cooking a nice dinner and Eton Mess for pud - so all things considered - a good day


            • #96
              Originally posted by Liza View Post
              OH Bren, ..........

              HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !

              We all love ya !
              Made me feel real cosy. Thanks


              • #97
                Originally posted by helly View Post
                Well i had a double treat today as it is my birthday, Got a lovely new wheelbarrow(how sad) then out for a lovely lunch. Pitty about the weather drizzely all day
                Happy Birthday! A wheelbarrow sounds like a fab pressie to me - not at all sad! Glad you've had a good day.
                I don't roll on Shabbos


                • #98
                  Our son and his lady got wed on Valentines Day in New York. They are out tonight to mark the occasion and we will babysit their two gorgeous sons.


                  • #99
                    thanks Rhona really cant wait to start using it


                    • Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                      Before we start talking about Saint Valentine's Day (yes, it is a SAINT'S day, with church origins) being romantic, let's look at the beginning. Valentine was walking past a garden when he heard a group of sisters bemaning their lack of dowry, and how this was going to come between them and marriage. Soon after this they found purses in their garden with sufficient money to solve this problem.
                      Just how romantic is that in any modern context?
                      I'd rather commemorate dates that matter to us, like the anniversary of when he proposed, or other such memories. I don't really find the 'everyone does it the same time' idea romantic AT ALL!
                      Soooo St Valentine was a Pimp..?
                      Blogging at.....


                      • Originally posted by enrich100 View Post
                        I was going to spend the day spoiling my Girlfriend buying her flowers taking her out for a meal and flying her to Paris, Sadly my other half found out so I will be with her all day instead
                        Ok i'm not really as bad as I make myself out to be

                        Yesterday bought a dozen roses for my OH to give to her grand mother,

                        Today got her a dozen roses for her and a card, she got me Gardeners World Magazine ( I now know I'm growing 20 of the top 100 vegetables)

                        This evening I have planted lots more Carnations & Chrysanthemum (her favourite flowers) and a few bedding plants shes fallen in love with, taking up even more veg growing space in my propagators which is proof in itself that I must love her, My only concern is that her flower beds will be overflowing and she will think my vegetable beds could become more space for her flowers

                        She thinks I being really kind planting the Carnations and Chrysanthemums for her, in reality it means I can save money as I won't have to buy as many cut flowers for her over the year
                        Thought For The Day
                        If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                        Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                        • Originally posted by broadway View Post
                          Going to the pub to watch Tottenham in the FA Cup
                          n my youth always watched Tottenham at home plus some occasional aways. First love is last love. "Come on you Spurs"


                          • I've had a fantastic day, OH took me out for my dinner and Gave me a beautiful Emerald Ring (my birth stone), then we spent the afternoon with my Dad, came home and went out with friends tonight, so all in all I've had a wonderful day.


                            • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                              I'd take either.
                              I've bought us a present each, and wrapped them (no cards, waste of money, but I did write a nice note to him on the chalk board).
                              I'd planned to make him a Full English this morning ... that was until he rolled in steaming drunk, 2 hrs late last night (after several texts asking where he was ... at 6pm he said he was on the train and he'd be home by 9. At 10pm I started asking where he was, only to get evasive answers )
                              Oh T_S not good Hope he was hanging good 'n proper this morning.
                              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


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