Thse will make you laugh or cry, depending on your sense of humour. I choose to alternate between uncontrollable giggles and weeping in despair.
I am up to my neck in A level Biology papers at the moment and have seen a couple of amusing responses, including the following...
Q What is the cause of Type I Diabetes?
A Boris Johnson
Q What might predispose a person to developing Type II Diabetes?
A Too many chocolate limes
and the ones which make me weep...
Q How might a seal be adapted to spending long periods underwater?
A The seal has a hole on its head and breathes water in through this
A The seal photosynthesises using the plants under water
Q Explain how you might control the environment in a greenhouse and how it affects photosynthesis
A You can control the temperature using a thermometer
A You can increase the CO2 content by keeping cows in the greenhouse.
Now I don't know about you guys, but I knew what a thermometer was for at the age of 11 and I'm pretty sure animals don't photosynthesise...
However, the Boris Johnson one had me rolling around laughing!
I once had a picture of money drawn on a paper, but alas, the bank wouldn't let me cash it...
I am up to my neck in A level Biology papers at the moment and have seen a couple of amusing responses, including the following...
Q What is the cause of Type I Diabetes?
A Boris Johnson
Q What might predispose a person to developing Type II Diabetes?
A Too many chocolate limes
and the ones which make me weep...
Q How might a seal be adapted to spending long periods underwater?
A The seal has a hole on its head and breathes water in through this
A The seal photosynthesises using the plants under water
Q Explain how you might control the environment in a greenhouse and how it affects photosynthesis
A You can control the temperature using a thermometer
A You can increase the CO2 content by keeping cows in the greenhouse.
Now I don't know about you guys, but I knew what a thermometer was for at the age of 11 and I'm pretty sure animals don't photosynthesise...

However, the Boris Johnson one had me rolling around laughing!
