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Gimme Five Again!


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  • #16
    Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
    Sorry; all those reruns on cold saturday afternoons........
    You are seriously disturbed!
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #17
      Gimme another 5

      My top 5 'imaginary' must be:
      Gene Hunt
      Batman (40 years ago!)
      Mr. Darcy (proper Colin Firth version)
      Gio Compario (character from Go Compare ad)
      Not Moist vL, but maybe the Baron

      Top 5 'real':
      Lewis Collins (20 years ago)
      Mark Williams (comedian/actor, not snooker player!)
      Dino (Dean Martin for those of you are too young!!)
      and last but not least, my old man


      • #18
        Originally posted by Torreya View Post
        and last but not least, my old man
        Awww, Bless!
        When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
          Come on Alison -have you never read a book and really took a shine to the hero? Confined to books, I could find another 5 at least, beginning with Heathcliffe.
          Maxim De Winter!
          When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


          • #20
            Batman (George Clooney, obviously - droool)
            Dr Doug Ross (ER)
            Danny Ocean (Oceans 11, 12 & ..) Yes there's a theme here LOL, but I'll also add;
            Sonny Crocket (Miami Vice)
            Lewis Collins (Professionals)

            Off to have a lie down now
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
              You're making it very hard to think!!
              Yeah, I've been known to have that effect on some women.

              Originally posted by Alison View Post
              No, no, and have no idea what the other 3 are like

              No, no, , who?

              Still no, no (not with that mac!), no,, who and who?

              Never heard of him either.

              Can't think of any for me, whilst some of them are entertaining, they're just not erm real enough for me! Mind you, haven't had a crush on any real celebs either since I was a teenager, have to really get to know people to have any kind of spark
              We're not asking you to bladdy marry them Alison - come on, let yer hair down, you know you can do it!
              A simple dude trying to grow veg.

              BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

              Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

              What would Vedder do?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                Come on Alison -have you never read a book and really took a shine to the hero? Confined to books, I could find another 5 at least, beginning with Heathcliffe.
                No, never. I may like or dislike some of the characters but never faniced any of them.

                Originally posted by Creemteez View Post
                Maxim De Winter!
                Another WHO?

                Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                We're not asking you to bladdy marry them Alison - come on, let yer hair down, you know you can do it!
                Am happy as I am thanks, don't need abuse for not fancying a fictional character.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #23
                  How could I forget Sparhawk from the pen of David Eddings? If I could be any character myself I think it would have to be Seraphina from the same books. You've probably never heard of them, but believe me that would be a dream come true. I know, I know, get real.
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #24
                    Ooh; George Clooney......Doug Ross........Booker in Roseanne........

                    *slides off chair


                    • #25
                      Now now Zaz, steady on ...
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • #26
                        *gone - sorry - ahem - sigh - slide


                        • #27
                          In any order you care to put them in
                          Jessica Rabbit
                          Betty Boo
                          The Bride (Kill Bill)
                          Any of the barmaids at Coyote Ugly
                          Mirren (Mel Gibsons wife in Braveheart)

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Alison View Post
                            Mind you, haven't had a crush on any real celebs either since I was a teenager, have to really get to know people to have any kind of spark
                            I know what you mean, I'm usually less crushy than my friends, but I'll have a bash

                            Heathcliff (Laurence Olivier only)
                            The Goblin King from Labyrinth
                            Withnail (for a lost weekend only)
                            Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou?)
                            The Dude - The Big Lebowski (another lost weekend)
                            Bloke from Black Books (who keeps losing these weekends?!)

                            Actually, my list is less crushy, than 'who would be brilliantly fun company' (excepting Heathcliff, not known for his stonking one-liners) - I'm not really playing proper, am I?
                            I don't roll on Shabbos


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                              Ooh; George Clooney......Doug Ross........Booker in Roseanne........

                              *slides off chair
                              Oh, you're normal after all! LOL
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rhona View Post
                                I know what you mean, I'm usually less crushy than my friends, but I'll have a bash

                                Heathcliff (Laurence Olivier only)
                                The Goblin King from Labyrinth
                                Withnail (for a lost weekend only)
                                Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou?)
                                The Dude - The Big Lebowski (another lost weekend)
                                Bloke from Black Books (who keeps losing these weekends?!)

                                Actually, my list is less crushy, than 'who would be brilliantly fun company' (excepting Heathcliff, not known for his stonking one-liners) - I'm not really playing proper, am I?
                                Yes you are Rhona - I don't necessarily "fancy" the characters, but would love to meet them, or in Seraphina's case, be them!
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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