Originally posted by JanieB
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Mid Life Crisis?
Originally posted by JanieB View PostI've been a bit busy the last cuppla days so hadn't seen this thread. I had lunch with Jeanied today and she pointed me this way.
I very, very rarely wear skirts. I'm usually in trews and trainers/working boots. I've worn skirts twice this week, Tuesday to meet the Duke of Gloucester and today 'cos I went out to lunch.
If TS is having a midlife crisis what the hell am I having? I'm posting a photo of me taken at this last New Year. I'm 62.Happy Gardening,
Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View PostWOW, Looking good there JanieB - has your hair grown a lot since the birthday lunch at Wellie and Trousers?
Can we have another meet. I'm not going to hijak TS's thread so I'll start another one."I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
"It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)
Originally posted by Brengirl View PostCan I be your mommy? You don't have to fancy me nor nuffink but you look so cute!Thought For The Day
If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?
Originally posted by SueA View PostAnyone else admire Grayson Perry's art or his guts at appearing as 'Claire'?
YouTube - Grayson Perry - Rainbow
YouTube - English subtitles- Grayson Perry
Interesting!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
I have loads of silly soes, unfortunately I can't actally walkin most of them a smy feet mainly prefer my furry boots or wellies lol. So remembering this is a family forum I will just say they don't usually make it past the bedroom door
In my head I will always be thirty something. I have a drawer full of makeup of all shapes, colours and promises. My wardrobe is crammed full with 'must haves at charity shops' lovely stuff. Shoes! are my passion but sorry to say my feet are not! My body, well to be honest, I am pleased with the way it has challenged time. My grandkids say I look amazing but I do not like the "for your age" bit. Given the chance you cannot keep me from the dance floor. Murder some call it.
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