My neighbour came round this morning to let me know that last night he heard an intruder in his garden, opened his curtains, to see someone looking into his window! The guy ran off, but Mike went outside to see what was going on. Whoever it was, had opened his chicken coop and run, and the girls had got out. Mike managed to catch them all again, but only this morning when it was light.
We've got those people activated lights, and locks on the gate, as well as Dexter of course (who had actually climbed INSIDE our bed, headfirst and never barked, wimpered or anything at the time things were kicking off this morning!!)
Has anyone any tips on garden security that you think might be useful?
We've got those people activated lights, and locks on the gate, as well as Dexter of course (who had actually climbed INSIDE our bed, headfirst and never barked, wimpered or anything at the time things were kicking off this morning!!)
Has anyone any tips on garden security that you think might be useful?