Many congratulations on the forthcoming event Gwenllian. Forums were not around when I was expecting so I can't offer any advice there.
On the reading/spelling thing I think that while reading would appear to be a valid source of learning to spell (not sure my English is good as I am very tired), it is not always a given that those who do not read will not spell well. Our two sons are very different - elder son hardly reads any books at all and has beautiful handwriting and excellent spelling. Younger son is pretty much to be found at all times with nose in book, comic, back of shampoo bottle
but his handwriting is appalling and spelling is not great. His teacher at primary school (taught him for about 4 years as she kept changing the class she taught) thought he had a form of word blindness as he just could not see word patterns (rain - train - grain - brain etc) and would struggle with each word in a pattern group. He is not dyslexic - just crap at writing and spelling. He is brilliant at maths and science though
The boys both laugh at my texting - properly spelled, written in full and punctuated to the best of my ability
On the reading/spelling thing I think that while reading would appear to be a valid source of learning to spell (not sure my English is good as I am very tired), it is not always a given that those who do not read will not spell well. Our two sons are very different - elder son hardly reads any books at all and has beautiful handwriting and excellent spelling. Younger son is pretty much to be found at all times with nose in book, comic, back of shampoo bottle

The boys both laugh at my texting - properly spelled, written in full and punctuated to the best of my ability
