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I hate shopping, specially at Asda. Always end up with too much stuff cos its on special, and then have to find room for it in the fridge/freezer/cupboard.
Oh dear, it looks like I'm the only odd-ball who actually LIKES putting stuff away!
My friend always shudders when she comes round for coffee as she says my cupboards are like a scene from "Sleeping With the Enemy". Can't help it, I like an orderly cupboard, plus I can tell at a glance what needs replacing, so I DON'T end up with seventeen cans of baked beans!
You would LOVE my kitchen cupboards.....
My larder cupboards are about 6ft high and are only 1 tin/can deep... so you never lose track of anything. I have one for all my baking stuff, 1 for tins/cans/packets, and one for herbs/spices/condiments/odds'n'ends
They were here when we moved in, and initially I hated them. However, they are so useful and handy, I wouldn't be without them.
I do one online shop a month (which doesn't incude meat or veg) and that's it. I hate going to the supermarket, as we've got at least a 50minute drive each way. They are always busy and full of chavs (sorry! bit non pc there) and I just can't be bothered.
Since I only shop once a month, I can use the online system to my advantage. I can build up my list slowly, and it helps me to budget (spend �150 a month for 2 people - which includes lunch at work too). I don't get tempted by things I don't want or need and the shopping is delivered at a specified time.
I don't mind the putting away, since the nice delivery men always bring the stuff into the house!
As I don't drive, it was cheaper for me to do the shopping online rather than get a taxi from the supermarket so that is what I do now. Still don't like putting it all away but at least I don't have the hassle of crowds and people standing in aisles chatting whilst I'm trying to get past with the trolley
I rarely shop in real time, I either use online or Snowdrop does the deed cos he likes it - odd boy!
I'm a serial lister so it is rare that I forget anything, I keep a little pad in the kitchen and add to it as something runs out - sad aren't I
As for putting away, this isn't a chore I have a problem with due to my tidy(ish) nature. I don't unpack the whole lot, I have to unpack one bag, put it all away and then go onto the next.
Do a weekly online shop with Northern Harvest (fab delivery service who use real shops) who are totally fab and it's in the front porch when I get in on Thursday night. OH normally gets in before me so unpacks which is a bit of a pain as I like to look stuff over as I put it away. Buy meat when I see a good piece at a sensible price (NEVER bought the rubbish in the supermarket even when I shopped there but often buy at our montly Farmers Market), milk is delivered, make our own bread and since getting the lottie don't need to buy much in the way of veg.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Something I can't stand in the Supermarket is when someone has knocked something off the shelf and just left it on the floor! I don't think there are many occasions while shopping that I haven't picked up some item or other and put it back on the shelf.
I was actually walking behind a woman with child (brat) who completely ignored her little darling as she pulled various things off the shelves and just dropped them on the floor.
In the end, I said in a loud voice, "I'LL pick these up,then, shall I?" (As I did so).
The woman turned round, gave me a sickly smile and said, "I know, but wot can I do. She won' stop doin' it" I could have given her a few pointers, but all hope for the future of humanity had been driven from me, so I just took another route and left them to their trail of distruction.
When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!