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Giving money to the homeless


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  • #61
    A friend of mine would randomly bring Big Issue sellers back to her house and give them a good hot meal and [well, trying to be polite], give them a bed for the night.

    We got quite friendly with one, name of Jock [yes, he wore a kilt], and I never found out what happened to him as I moved away. He was very nice, just fell on hard times for a while.

    There's scammers in every walk of life; I'd rather be scammed by someone who was desperate than someone who wasn't.....

    [I still think it is scarey that in this modern age, with all the £ that the richest countries have, we cannot ensure that everyone has a standard level of food/roof/bed....but that's getting political innit]. I'm sure we could, if we really wanted to - decide on a worldwide basic level of living that the excess money provides......or am I living in cloud cuckoo land [again?]
    Last edited by zazen999; 24-02-2010, 09:10 AM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      For emergency accommodation, yes. Even women fleeing domestic violence have to pay rent for their emergency beds Shelter England - Emergency housing while the council makes enquiries
      that's scandalous. surely the people who need it most are the ones that should get it for free


      • #63
        Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
        that's scandalous. surely the people who need it most are the ones that should get it for free
        Except something free has no value. If you have to pay for something, even if it's a nominal fee, you appreciate and respect it a lot more.
        Last edited by OllieMartin; 24-02-2010, 04:13 PM.
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        • #64
          I have worked with homeless individuals for 15 years Managed Winter Shelters, direct access projects move on properties and mother baby units as Andrea said there are scammers in all walks of life.

          Through the years there have been major changes for homeless individuals The Rough Sleeper Intiative ensured that there was sufficient accomodation in each town / city to stop individuals sleeping rough.

          A large amount of funding £1.8 Billion was provided about 8 years ago through the Supporting People Pot to fund and ensure the services provided meet minmium Quality Assurance Framework through this each individual is provided with a dedicated worker to address the issues which have made an individual homeless and ultimately move into permanent accommodation of there own.

          Whilst the benefits system is not overly generous most homeless indivuiduals would only be expected to pay between £16 - £20 for their accommodation per week.

          In my experience some individuals will beg to sustain there habits one client who drank 20 -25 cans of special brew a day could beg the money up in one hour in Cambridge. There are others who would not dream of begging.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
            that's scandalous. surely the people who need it most are the ones that should get it for free
            Except that nothing is free. Somebody, somewhere (ie the taxpayer) has to pay for it.

            All the homeless charities say that paying rent, from the start, is a good thing, giving the individual a sense of self-respect etc.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Caro View Post
              Glasgow Big Issue sellers must be trained to be very polite - they always say thank you very much even when all you've done is acknowledge them with a shake of the head when you walk past!

              My quandary is that a lot of our local BI sellers appear to be immigrants. There's a temptation to feel that our whole society is being taken for a ride when they come over here to beg rather than stay at home and beg! Can someone enlighten me on this?

              Great discussion!
              I know what you mean about a lot of the BI sellers being immigrants. Though I don't have a problem with this, I have notices that they all use the same (often hidden) BI badge, and all give their money to this one man. Seems a bit dodgy to me, so I never buy off them.



              • #67
                Originally posted by nerobot View Post
                I have notices that they all use the same (often hidden) BI badge, and all give their money to this one man. Seems a bit dodgy to me
                so report it
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #68
                  I have done. I know of several others that have also done so. They get stopped for a short time, and then come back in a couple of weeks.


                  • #69
                    I'm quite happy to donate books, clothes etc to the charity shop . I don't like those little envelopes that get shoved thru your letterbox (bad experience once) and I don't give to random people in the street who ask for change. There is a homeless guy in the town who sleeps in a doorway he never asks for money , quite often you see that someone has left him a pint of milk in the morning while he's still asleep and if you offer food he gratefully and politely accepts.
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

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                    • #70
                      What are the legal isues regarding begging? Is it not against the law if you are not selling a product (The big Issue) or giving a service (busking)?
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                      • #71
                        This may sound harsh, but no I don't give money to people, for want of a better word, begging on the streets. I used to work in the centre of Liverpool, at Queen Street Bus Station. Every day there was a guy, round the back near the shopping centre begging. I heard he parked his mercedes round the corner. Whether it was true or not I don't know.
                        I'd much rather give my money direct to charities. I also buy and give, lots to various charity shops in the area. OK, OK, I'll get off my soap box now.
                        Bernie aka DDL

                        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
                          Except something free has no value. If you have to pay for something, even if it's a nominal fee, you appreciate and respect it a lot more.
                          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                          Except that nothing is free. Somebody, somewhere (ie the taxpayer) has to pay for it.

                          All the homeless charities say that paying rent, from the start, is a good thing, giving the individual a sense of self-respect etc.
                          That's a perfectly fine idea but then you get the persons on the street begging for money which is actually quite demeaning. How does one expect a homeless person to be able to find money to pay for a bed if they have nowhere to go?

                          It's all screwed up, surely they can be given accommodation and help to move on.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                            How does one expect a homeless person to be able to find money to pay for a bed if they have nowhere to go?
                            That's why the Big Issue was started. So that homeless people can earn their money instead of begging

                            Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                            It's all screwed up, surely they can be given accommodation and help to move on.
                            It is offered, but not always wanted. Hostels can be dangerous places to be, esp. for women (the clients often have drug & alcohol habits, mental health problems). Housing benefit is available, if they claim it (women fleeing domestic violence get HB sorted pretty quickly).

                            It's very difficult, and complicated.
                            People don't want to see the homeless, they don't want higher taxes, and they don't want to keep giving to charities, but hostels etc have to be paid for somehow?
                            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 25-02-2010, 08:34 AM.
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #74
                              [QUOTE=beefy;616706]And if it buys the wrap of heroin that kills him how will you feel?

                              well it gets another adict off the streets.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by beefy View Post
                                And if it buys the wrap of heroin that kills him how will you feel?
                                Originally posted by janeyo View Post
                                well it gets another adict off the streets.

                                The reality of addiction is that it is a killer condition. Unless it is arrested by abstinence it invariably kills. Addiction of any kind screws up otherwise good, productive lives.
                                Janey I find your opinion a bit shocking and quite callous.
                                WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


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