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Giving money to the homeless


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  • Originally posted by janeyo View Post
    ok, I've been to town this avo, and asked the Big Issue sellar if he would like a cup of tea. he said he would rather have a tinny!
    Did you compromise?

    As the OP I really don't mind a tangent when it results in interesting conversations, though I don't like it when things get too heated. Can be nasty thinking your post has resulted in people upsetting each other.

    To be honest, when it comes to giving money, I'm badgered on a literally daily basis for sponsorship for one thing or another. It's not that I mind giving to friends and colleagues' charities, but after a while I do start to ask, "why are you really doing this?". My cynical view is that they are either genuinely doing it because they want to support the charity OR they're doing it because they want the attention and all the congratulations when they've finished.
    I tend to limit myself to �1-2 per request. (How's that for a tangent?)
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    • As we're back to the original theme,Andi just reminded me of a genuinely homeless chap that used to beg around Woodbridge and Ipswich.At the time I worked in a local Cake Shop.
      He'd often come in and buy pizza baps which were 21p...when the prices went up to 23p and he only had the usual 21p he refused point blank to take it until he'd got the money to pay for it!I'd often leave a bag of perishables where I knew he slept as had we just given them him he would have seems odd I know that he made his living from begging,yet at the same time retained his sense of pride.He was a really lovely guy.
      Andi would sometimes offer him a ciggie...if he had his own he'd turn down the offer.He only ever begged for what he needed and was always overly grateful.
      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


      • There is a unwritten truth is this Andi or Di. We will accept help only when we feel able to reciprocate. Head held high etc. When we are in the depth of despair does the alta self become paramount and self survival take over?

        Must add that I have never given to 'beggars'! and not even given them a moments thought before now, I may do so now.


        • Originally posted by Brengirl View Post
          My opinion only........The very fact that fortunes are being made from their desperate situation is good enough for me to say legalise all drugs!
          I've said this for a long time, while ever it is kept underground the crime & theft will continue. I think the GP's should be given funding to monitor, manage and wean addicts off this curse.
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


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