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Jobs for Brits


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  • Jobs for Brits

    Or whatever the programme's called currently on BBC.

    Muppets! They don't want to work, give the jobs to those that do (the 'foreigners').

    Makes me mad. "Er, there's no jobs for us rand 'ere"

    Programme gives them a job and they take the wee. Pillocks!

    Sorry, makes my blood boil.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?

  • #2
    Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
    Or whatever the programme's called currently on BBC.

    Muppets! They don't want to work, give the jobs to those that do (the 'foreigners').

    Makes me mad. "Er, there's no jobs for us rand 'ere"

    Programme gives them a job and they take the wee. Pillocks!

    Sorry, makes my blood boil.
    I concur! saw that tosh on morning tv this morning!

    Binley really does Know best!
    G4-Meteorological mastermind! Stone/String it's all covered!
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    PB- Masteress of Pumpkins!

    I Don't Know who Dave is...But he's one cool Dude!
    I Once was a Tuber but with a little practice!!


    • #3
      just finished watching it now.

      it's interesting how some of them do really want to work and can work but some of them have got too comfortable on their benefits.


      • #4
        Didnt see the program obviously, but just to say Bramble Killer that its no different over here. Some people do really want to work, but the welfare system here can make things very comfy indeed for those who dont.
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #5
          I caught the last 15 mins or so and the bit I saw proved that some dont want to work. My son aged 22 has been out of work for over a year, he doesnt even get an interview, he has virtualy no experience as he has only managed to get part time bar work. He wanted to go into acting but down this way its very hard to find that sort of thing, tried to tell him but would he listen. Couldnt afford to send him to Uni. Every body wants people with some experience but are not prepared to give him a go. Just before christmas The job centre sent him to a pub / resturant to work and the government pay the wages and the company are supposed to offer a job after a certain number of weeks ( as I understand it ) the company were messing him about and only wanted him for the christmas period as sson as he found out he told the job centre and they told him not to go in again and the company had their knuckles rapped. The job centre then managed to mess up his money and he has only just recieved payment from them, he hasnt had any since November. He really wants to work he doesnt care what he does, he is good at art work, with computers and is willing to learn. I would love him to have some sort of training in the best way to find a job. I thought the government were supposed to help but they dont. As long as he turns up to sign on thats all that they care about.
          Where I work we have a few Polish people and other forigners, one couple even left their two young sons with her mother for 4 years to come here to work as she said education and health were far superior where she came from than here but the money was better here, she was a very good worker and always finished her tasks before anyone else. They only visited their sons twice a year, she went home for an operation before christmas and I dont think she is returning.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #6
            I ended up screaming at the telly last night. I think the people they picked were a disgrace, i think that the young chap who spent all his day playing computers should have his benefit stopped when he did not even turn up at the factory. I think that on your first day you should at least get to work on time (As a single parent when my children were younger, comuting into the city, it was important i get to work on time and keep my job as although i would have been better off on the social, i did not want my children to be brought up with the dole mentality that surrounded us where we lived then).

            I cannot believe the number of people that said yes we will do anything and then not turn up for work, it did make us out to be feckless and lazy and i do think that the benefit system needs to be rethought of (as well as anyone coming to this country and not putting anything into the system should not be entitled to benefits, maybe that would stop the piles of people in calais trying to get here).

            I know that some of what i am saying is a little radical, bit some of those people were a disgrace and i am ashamed
            Last edited by Dane End Dolly; 25-02-2010, 10:42 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jackie j View Post
              Where I work we have a few Polish people and other forigners, one couple even left their two young sons with her mother for 4 years to come here to work as she said education and health were far superior where she came from than here but the money was better here, she was a very good worker and always finished her tasks before anyone else. They only visited their sons twice a year, she went home for an operation before christmas and I dont think she is returning.
              That's where a big problem is though, not many people stop to think that on min wage, several people sharing a house can live well on that kind of wage and send money home. A family that has to pay rent for a house, or mortgage, plus all the expenses that come with children, isn't going to fair too well on min wage. My oh worked hard to get a building trade and did well for himself, he was on a decent wage that was enough to support us, we were not rich by any measure, but we could afford to eat after bills! After a massive wage drop because of the cheaper labour available, my oh was made redundant. It turned out it was cheaper to employ the poles My oh had a bad arm from his trade, and I may get shot down for saying it, but I don't want him working himself into an early grave for a back breaking job, when he could have an easy job for the same wage. Not that he can even get one of those! Competition is so high, not only from Brits, but others that don't have a family to cater for


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dane End Dolly View Post
                I know that some of what i am saying is a little radical, bit some of those people were a diegrace and i am ashamed
                No not at all i had to turn this off as it was getting me very angry,and sadly i agree with what you have just said.There's so many people who are out of work at the moment that would have jumped at the chance to do an honest days work

                All the best,Ian
                Last edited by Ian White; 25-02-2010, 10:10 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                  some of them have got too comfortable on their benefits.
                  I agree SOME have got too comfortable on there benefits, but these in my eyes are the ones that get there rent payed, council tax payed, reduced water rates, D.L.A, mobility money, child benefits etc.

                  I was made redundant last April, I signed off and took part time jobs that payed the min wage, which is rubbish when you have a house to run, full time jobs are very hard to come by, I want to be able to work without having to have my wage "topped" up by the government,
                  I'm out of work (again), I don't have kids so all the money the government says I'm allowed to live on is �64.30 a week, I get council tax benefit but I still have to pay some money towards that, and believe me by the time I've put money away for utility bills and food, there isn't much left, I've applied for over 100 jobs from just before Christmas with not even a rejection letter let alone an interview, now the job center has given me letters to put in with my C.V and application, saying they will pay an employer �1000 pound if they employ me over someone else who's not on "Job seekers" (I call it a Q jumper), and still no response.
                  These sort of programs make my blood boil because they seem to tar everyone with the same brush.


                  • #10
                    Playing devils advocate again here:
                    You really need to think about the motives of the programme makers in this instance.
                    The 'British' people they picked, who were the most outspoken on the subject of immigration and immigrant workers, lived on benefits etc, were not a fair representation of the British population who genuinely do want to work but cannot find a job.
                    I can use myself as example here - I spent the past five years trying to improve my education and change career direction - Now I cant even get a job as a cleaner or in a shop now because there are simply no jobs to be had. (NB I must add, I am not blaming immigrant workers at all,rather the greedy business owners who want people to work all hours, for hardly any money.) If they had offered me the opportunity to take part in this programme I would have done so, and worked hard.
                    But the programme makers WANTED to show the British 'workers' as ignorant and layabouts, and I wouldn't have fitted in with their hidden agenda.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                      Muppets! They don't want to work, give the jobs to those that do (the 'foreigners').
                      Call me cynical but have you thought that might be the conclusion you were supposed to come to?
                      Urban Escape Blog


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                        Or whatever the programme's called currently on BBC.

                        Muppets! They don't want to work, give the jobs to those that do (the 'foreigners').

                        Makes me mad. "Er, there's no jobs for us rand 'ere"

                        Programme gives them a job and they take the wee. Pillocks!

                        Sorry, makes my blood boil.

                        what also made me angry is that they all "talked the talk" said they would do anything, so keen to work and all that tosh and then look what happened. i am sorry but it piddles me off for my taxes to go into layabouts and scroungers pockets. i know that there are many who want to work, i equally know that there seems to be many more that do not.


                        • #13
                          I was unemployed from September 2005 until February last year when I decided to take pension credits.
                          In the three & a half years I was unemployed I must have applied for over 200 jobs I was lucky to even get a reply(I got two interviews)
                          In that time I had my benefit stopped twice(for not trying )
                          In the end I just gave up at least now I don't have to jump through hoops of fire(blind) to keep the joke shop happy.(I don't have to sign on )
                          In all the time I was unemployed I was willing and able to work the joke shop did little to help all I got was grief.
                          They even had the nerve to send me on "work experience" (I had worked for about 40 years.)
                          While at the same time there were some people in their 20s who had no intention of working & who had never worked.
                          Last edited by bubblewrap; 25-02-2010, 11:20 AM.
                          The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                          Brian Clough


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dane End Dolly View Post
                            what also made me angry is that they all "talked the talk" said they would do anything, so keen to work and all that tosh and then look what happened. i am sorry but it piddles me off for my taxes to go into layabouts and scroungers pockets. i know that there are many who want to work, i equally know that there seems to be many more that do not.
                            Yes me too to some extent, but I think thats what the programme makers wanted you to think at the end of it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pdblake View Post
                              Call me cynical but have you thought that might be the conclusion you were supposed to come to?
                              No I think you are spot on pdblake.


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