Good to have you back Mrs D. Hope you are 100% soon.
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we got the flu
Glad you're both feeling better Mrs.D. I lost my sense of taste & smell for about 6 weeks once after a really bad cough/chest infection & when it started to come back everything just smelt or tasted of either gas or onions for a while (yeuch!) Hope Mr. D had an extra large size jar of Vick for you !Into every life a little rain must fall.
Originally posted by pigletwillie View PostJust tell him not to scratch his doings before he washes his hands...... I still laugh today
You lot really kill me! you really do! I really needed a "reet good belly laugh" - and you've just given me one! Ta!DDL
PS know what you are talking about - you've got to be really careful when using ralgex etc!Bernie aka DDL
Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things
OMG you've just reminded me of a female friend of mine [don't read o if you get grossed out easy about women's bits... sorry] who cooked with scotch bonnet chillis, and then went to the loo. She was on her 'star week' as Slimming World call it and insterted an appropriate aid... and ended up with chilli vapour on it.. need I say more?Shortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
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