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  • #16
    Pleased you got it sorted:, had quick look at the blog, i like it, will have good read of it during the week.


    • #17
      Nicos, I'm glad we're still Loud'n'Clear where you are darling.X
      andi&di, PowerCycling? Are you mad woman?! I could tell you a complete Porky now, but I'm not a dishonest bunny, and 'popping a link back on your own' - what d'you mean? on a gold bracelet or something?!.... Just how would I, Moi, know how to do something as 'Putery at that AngelCloggs!X
      bishop. I like your style already so soon. And you're most welcome.

      And incidentally, may I just say, before anyone else might, that our asking for help here with the difficulties we experienced, were perfectly and truly genuine to rectify the virus attack on our blog. And if GYO or any of the moderators feel that we have drawn attention unnecessarily to our blog, please do feel free to delete this thread, as we would totally understand.

      We're truly grateful to have our blog back. Thank you.x.


      • #18
        I have a feeling you just got yourself a new reader.

        My blog is still a long way from mature (I think I average about 5 or 6 views a day at the moment - the absolute peak was just a scratch over 25 in a day and an inexplicable peak of 18 on the Friday just gone) so it's nice to see another one that's going properly.

        Glad you got it all up and running again.
        Last edited by organic; 07-03-2010, 11:10 PM.


        • #19
          Phew! I missed all this yesterday - thank goodness I come back in to find all is, now, fine

          Way to go that Trousers


          • #20
            I have a feeling, organic, that you might like it?

            Anyway. Enough already so soon of it all, because it HAS now been sorted superbly 'back to normal' and no need to mention it again.... ever, ever, until the next time!
            Seriously. Thank you everyone who has helped us. We really do appreciate it.X


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