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They are not there


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  • They are not there

    Dont know if some of you remember but a while ago I planted some chilli seeds (donated by a kind Grape), I have never grown these before. I also planted some parsley. Then by mistake they all got knocked off the windowsill and I scooped all the compost up and put it back in a tray. I have been looking after the seedlings with great care. I ended up with 2 parsley, 2 pathetic lettuce, and 1 weed? No chilli
    Last edited by stella; 12-03-2010, 07:34 AM.
    Updated my blog on 13 January

  • #2
    OH maybe it ended up too deep when the soil was put back in. If you want to try again I could send you a few cayenne, hungarian hot wax and/or razzamatazz. The Razzamatazz that I sowed in heated propogator have come up in a week, the ones in unheated propogator of razzamatazz and the other two are still asleep.


    • #3
      Take them off the windowsill at night, they still might germinate.

      I have several in the unheated greenhouse that germinated in old compost that has been reused; even in these temps. They germinate when they are jolly well ready to and not before. However, as the pots got knocked over; I'd sow some more to be on the safe side.


      • #4
        Oww, poor you , I have lots of chili seeds Stella if you pm me what you fancy growing, I'll send you some, we can't have you NOT growing chilli's now can we, I don't want anything in exchange I have faaaar to many seeds as it is .


        • #5
          Thank you all as usual very helpful. I am not going to try any more chilli seeds this year, but thank you for the kind offer. I might just buy one plant later on in the year, I am not really a great fan but kinda feel it might be an aquired taste. Thanks
          Updated my blog on 13 January


          • #6
            How long ago was it? Some can take two or three weeks. Try popping them somewhere warm and move them to the window sill when they pop their heads up


            • #7
              They were planted in Jan!! the embarasing thing is I was nuturing a WEED, oopps
              Updated my blog on 13 January



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