Made me smile this morning (within a 'marketing' email I received)
The 8 dumbest things said in sales meetings:
Even the best salespeople can slip up while giving an otherwise great presentation. For example:
Did you hear the true story about the salesman who regularly regaled a customer with tales of his drunken escapades � until the customer told him he was a Mormon?
The salesperson apologized � and then asked, �How many wives do you have?�
That�s an �oops!� moment. And they can be funny � as long as they don�t happen on your watch.
Seven other real-life examples of the stupidest things ever said in sales meetings:
� �We flew to a client, and the head of the department came to the lobby to tell us that our key contact had died during the night. And my boss said, �Well, who�s her replacement? We flew up here and expect to present to someone.��
� �I was working for Dr Pepper. A vendor catered lunch at headquarters. With Coke products.�
� An all-male ad agency team told the female marketing team that they understood tampons better than the women.
� A seller told a customer: �What�s your title? We usually present to someone higher than you.�
� One customer said people often stereotype Southerners. Like the time a rep said, �When I hear your accent, I start deducting IQ points.�
� One manager dropped in on a sales presentation for a few minutes, and then she left. The rep then asked: �Your boss is smokin�. Is she single?�
� A customer was unimpressed when his name was misspelled on the first slide of the presentation. His name? Smith.
Personally I don;t like the word 'stupidest' and may have typed 'most stupid', but it seemed fitting to leave it in.
The 8 dumbest things said in sales meetings:
Even the best salespeople can slip up while giving an otherwise great presentation. For example:
Did you hear the true story about the salesman who regularly regaled a customer with tales of his drunken escapades � until the customer told him he was a Mormon?
The salesperson apologized � and then asked, �How many wives do you have?�
That�s an �oops!� moment. And they can be funny � as long as they don�t happen on your watch.
Seven other real-life examples of the stupidest things ever said in sales meetings:
� �We flew to a client, and the head of the department came to the lobby to tell us that our key contact had died during the night. And my boss said, �Well, who�s her replacement? We flew up here and expect to present to someone.��
� �I was working for Dr Pepper. A vendor catered lunch at headquarters. With Coke products.�
� An all-male ad agency team told the female marketing team that they understood tampons better than the women.
� A seller told a customer: �What�s your title? We usually present to someone higher than you.�
� One customer said people often stereotype Southerners. Like the time a rep said, �When I hear your accent, I start deducting IQ points.�
� One manager dropped in on a sales presentation for a few minutes, and then she left. The rep then asked: �Your boss is smokin�. Is she single?�
� A customer was unimpressed when his name was misspelled on the first slide of the presentation. His name? Smith.
Personally I don;t like the word 'stupidest' and may have typed 'most stupid', but it seemed fitting to leave it in.