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Daily Mail Con


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  • #16
    I'm amazed that you are all amazed etc etc and yet you went out and bought the paper!

    Result I'd say - if I were on the marketing team of DM


    • #17
      My Folks buy the DM, and they genuinely believe that it is an unbiased and honest publication!

      Personally, I don't buy a sleaze-paper. Any sleaze-paper. No offence, I just feel that fifty per-cent of what they print is total fabrication, and the remaining fifty per-cent is only loosely based in fact. That is ALL 'news?'papers. That is only my opinion.

      I love to read one occasionally, but all that does is reinforce my belief!
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • #18
        The only time I've read that publication is if it is in reception when I've had a long wait for a meeting - and the last time I ended up going into the meeting in a furious rage.


        • #19
          As I posted it on the forum all I will say is don't shoot the messenger,
          I did think it was too good to be true but as I said I saw it was on another forum and might be worth a look so posted it. My look was when I went to supermarket I looked at the paper; no I didn't buy it, saw the deal wasn't the super deal it had made itself out to be then put the paper back to be honest we all know that deals rarely are that special.

          The paper is not really any different to the Let Grow Veg magazine offering �70 worth of free give aways, they are not so free when the alot higher than normal P&P has been paid, ok it has ten packets of free seeds but how free are they when you have paid 7.99 for the magazine in the first place.I got a back issue for �5 just to have a look and to be honest it wasn't a bad price for seed as I was going to be using them. anyway but none of the "free deals" were that free (the date had past for all the offers anyway so be aware if your buying the back issue for the offers)

          no free seeds are actually free the ones on the front of the Grow Your own mag cost you over �3 to get them free, and thats only a bargain if you need them (or swap them of course)

          all papers and mags are not charities the only reason for any offer is to increase sales

          As i'm on a very limited income I check and double check lots of "special deals" and found the majority save you pennies at most and in some case you actually pay more

          I noted a recent offer for free Potato kit in one magazine worked out 50p more expensive than if you ordered it at full price from the same address

          The phrase I live by is Buyer Beware, look at any deal closely before you sign that dotted line
          Thought For The Day
          If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
          Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


          • #20
            Nah, if it sounds too good to be true then it usualy is. And theres never a good enough reason to buy any of the biased, celebrity filled (Ive got my own life, why the hell should I want theirs..apart from the money of course) half slush filled half rubbish filled things that pass as daily news.
            I buy the local evening paper around once a weekish, its not got much in, buy at least its of local interest most of the time.
            Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


            • #21
              Went to the shop, turned to the page "today's selection" and "p&p"... quick scan of the varieties and put it back on the shelf.
              Bought pain chocolat, a couple of still-warm bagles and some bits and bobs to make some yummy fillings for breakfast pancakes (and a couple of bars of �1 Green & Blacks - but shhh don't tell anyone!)

              Will be nipping to the shop to see if there's anything worth getting and if so I'll buy it... otherwise I'll go on not caring a toss what any of the papers have to say and finding it wierd that peole actually "hate" particular papers and more so use "you read the..." as an insult.


              • #22
                Originally posted by organic View Post
                .. otherwise I'll go on not caring a toss what any of the papers have to say and finding it wierd that peole actually "hate" particular papers and more so use "you read the..." as an insult.


                No news(paper) is good news!
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #23
                  Newspapers in UK are divided in different ways. There are the broad sheets such as The Telegraph (Right Wing), The Guardian (Left Wing), The Sunday Times (RW),The Observer (LW);

                  and then there are the tabloids such as

                  The Daily Mail (RW), The Times (RW), The Daily Express (RW) and The Independent (middle).

                  There are also what we call the 'red top' tabloids which are generally regarded as working class rags, such as The Sun (RW),The Mirror (LW), The Star (LW) and The Daily Sport (who knows).

                  The Daily Mail and The Sun are the most popular. The intellectuals would prefer to read The Telegraph, The Guardian or The Times.

                  The Guardian is very left wing and is hugely preferred in some areas of the public sector like education and health services. Readers tend not to live in this world and believe very much in social engineering as long as it doesnt stop then sending Johnny to a private prep school, having their emails and phone calls logged, or getting off their high holier than thou horse. The Times is more seen as the Toffs paper read in Gentlemen's Clubs and is perhaps best known for its challenging crossword.

                  I tend to read the Times although I am not a toff and fail miserably at its crossword, however the mail has columnists such as Richard Littlejohn and Melanie Phillips who are both savagely critical of what the UK has now become and generally make guardian readers get their organic hemp knickers in a twist and thus are worth a peep just to make them feel uncomfortable.
                  Last edited by pigletwillie; 14-03-2010, 03:12 AM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post

                    The Guardian is very left wing and is hugely preferred in some areas of the public sector like education and health services. Readers tend not to live in this world and believe very much in social engineering as long as it doesnt stop then sending Johnny to a private prep school, having their emails and phone calls logged, or getting off their high holier than thou horse.
                    Although I can recognise some of what you write, PW, I have a feeling you haven't looked at many copies of The Guardian recently!
                    There are plenty of contributors who reflect other than left wing bias on the editorial pages, and as a long term reader (who does read The Times and Telegraph quite often - mainly for the supplements at the weekend!) I don't see myself in your decription of a typical reader.

                    On a slightly more serious note, some of us who seem to get our knickers in a twist about the content of papers like the Daily Mail worry about the almost poisonous mesages that are disseminated through it and are thought 'must be true' because they are in a 'newspaper' by some of the public. The damage that can be done is worrying - - or at least that's what I think!!

                    There you go - rant over. Have a happy Sunday.
                    Last edited by zazen999; 14-03-2010, 09:10 AM.
                    Wars against nations are fought to change maps; wars against poverty are fought to map change � Muhammad Ali


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                      The Guardian is very left wing and is hugely preferred in some areas of the public sector like education and health services. Readers tend not to live in this world and believe very much in social engineering as long as it doesnt stop then sending Johnny to a private prep school, having their emails and phone calls logged, or getting off their high holier than thou horse.
                      Well that's me told, then, PW! (And cover your eyes Flum!)

                      Returning to the theme though - I have always found the offers in the Guardian to be quite good - but I'd never look to them for a real bargain or a free offer on plants.
                      (They did sometimes do a voucher for a free Starbucks!)
                      Last edited by Jeanied; 14-03-2010, 08:36 AM.
                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • #26
                        Well, I think 500 paper pots is great value for 80p...............
                        sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                        Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                        Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                        KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                          The Daily Mail (RW), The Times (RW), ... The Times is more seen as the Toffs paper read in Gentlemen's Clubs and is perhaps best known for its challenging crossword.
                          I think the Times is more in the middle ground these days, and it's definitely not in the same camp of tabloid as the Mail. It's intelligent, but certainly not Toff-ish: have you read Caitlin Moran and Robert Crampton?

                          The crossword isn't that hard (I don't mean the cryptic ones); I find it easier than the Sun's.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #28
                            Intellectual I am not, Torygraph reader I am, if I am in UK and have time to kill reading a paper.

                            I also dont understand the "you read *** paper? as a term of insult. I quite simply refuse to believe that all *** readers conform to their stereotype.

                            However, back to the original post, as has been said, if its too good to be true, it is!
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                            • #29
                              Don't know about the right wing left wing thing....seems that papers, like politics in general, only occupy the middle ground of what lines their own pockets best.

                              but if the Times is 'RW' then surely the Mail verges on the BNP (thinly politically correctly veiled of course)

                              Sorry ...deeply cynical in my middle age!!


                              • #30
                                Newspapers were founded upon political principles; as many of them were formed from the political pamphlets by the pamphleteers of their day. The owners use the papers to sell their messages; and most are aligned with one party or other.

                                Nothing wrong with it; and not every reader will conform to their stereotype; but newspapers ARE political; even if within each paper there are controversial views within that particular agenda. Something that is 'normal' in the Guarniad will seem 'extreme' in the Express - and vice versa. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

                                However, even if the offer WAS real; it would still never get me buying the Mail.

                                RW and LW are SO mixed up these days; it is difficult to keep up.

                                I've said it before and I'll say it again; I reckon Blair and whichever Toff was in 'charge' of the Tories picked up the wrong briefcases several years ago; as this topsy turvey world we now live in can't make it's mind up what it wants or what it really stands for.


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