Just found this 'game' on the dictionary.com website:
Word Game on most commonly Misspelled Words | Dictionary.com
You're given about 20 words to decide if they are spelled (spelt) correctly or incorrectly as quick as possible.
Time is added for every incorrect answer given.
I can't get a final time below 58 seconds!
Spelling never was my strong point, but some of these words are infuriating. And they do use the American spelling so "...ize" is often correct.
How fast can you do it?
EDIT: I've been swearing at my computer over this one!
Word Game on most commonly Misspelled Words | Dictionary.com
You're given about 20 words to decide if they are spelled (spelt) correctly or incorrectly as quick as possible.
Time is added for every incorrect answer given.
I can't get a final time below 58 seconds!

Spelling never was my strong point, but some of these words are infuriating. And they do use the American spelling so "...ize" is often correct.
How fast can you do it?
EDIT: I've been swearing at my computer over this one!