Oh, I was made very happy indeed today
I've noticed that more and more people (with large vehicles) are taking up two parking spaces so they don't get scratched doors or whopped mirrors
Well today I was cursing the driver of a big black 4x4 Monster Truck who had parked right in the middle of FOUR spaces. Git.
As I parked up he came out of the store with a trolley piled high with white emulsion. As if in slow motion, the pyramid of paint started sliding floorwards ... there was nothing he could do as one after another hit the deck and spilt all over the place ...
I've noticed that more and more people (with large vehicles) are taking up two parking spaces so they don't get scratched doors or whopped mirrors
Well today I was cursing the driver of a big black 4x4 Monster Truck who had parked right in the middle of FOUR spaces. Git.
As I parked up he came out of the store with a trolley piled high with white emulsion. As if in slow motion, the pyramid of paint started sliding floorwards ... there was nothing he could do as one after another hit the deck and spilt all over the place ...
