FINALLY! After a bit of a hellish week, re Weather and Mum requiring another hospital stay, I have today managed to get up to my "New" Lottie - or "The Field" as I shall now refer to it.
Blimey O'Riley - it's BIG!!! Marked out an area about as big as Old Lottie and it barely takes up a quarter of the space
I've bought some Pentalnd Javelin, Red Duke of York and Maris Peer, and thought I'd try digging out a 4X8 bed each for them....
HA! Five hours, it took me - to do just one!!! Granted, I was being quite pedantic about Dandelion root removal (of which there are LOTS) and the fork only goes down one spit before you hit good, solid Cornish clay and Granite, but I was pleasantly suprised at how drained the soil beneath the squidgey grass layer is.
It is forecast to rain tomorrow, but I'm going to pop up and cover what I've dug with brown paper flour sacks. Then it's off to my "Muck Buddy" for a layer of pooh. Was thinking of covering seed potatoes with more soaked flour bags initially. Waddaya think? Would the spud shoots have the strength to push through?
After all my efforts, I returned to the gate and looked back at my five hours of backbreaking work. It looked like a larger than average mole had been at work.... It's gonna be a long summer folks!
Blimey O'Riley - it's BIG!!! Marked out an area about as big as Old Lottie and it barely takes up a quarter of the space

I've bought some Pentalnd Javelin, Red Duke of York and Maris Peer, and thought I'd try digging out a 4X8 bed each for them....
HA! Five hours, it took me - to do just one!!! Granted, I was being quite pedantic about Dandelion root removal (of which there are LOTS) and the fork only goes down one spit before you hit good, solid Cornish clay and Granite, but I was pleasantly suprised at how drained the soil beneath the squidgey grass layer is.
It is forecast to rain tomorrow, but I'm going to pop up and cover what I've dug with brown paper flour sacks. Then it's off to my "Muck Buddy" for a layer of pooh. Was thinking of covering seed potatoes with more soaked flour bags initially. Waddaya think? Would the spud shoots have the strength to push through?
After all my efforts, I returned to the gate and looked back at my five hours of backbreaking work. It looked like a larger than average mole had been at work.... It's gonna be a long summer folks!