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Ah, the thrill of turning your first sod


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  • Ah, the thrill of turning your first sod

    FINALLY! After a bit of a hellish week, re Weather and Mum requiring another hospital stay, I have today managed to get up to my "New" Lottie - or "The Field" as I shall now refer to it.
    Blimey O'Riley - it's BIG!!! Marked out an area about as big as Old Lottie and it barely takes up a quarter of the space
    I've bought some Pentalnd Javelin, Red Duke of York and Maris Peer, and thought I'd try digging out a 4X8 bed each for them....
    HA! Five hours, it took me - to do just one!!! Granted, I was being quite pedantic about Dandelion root removal (of which there are LOTS) and the fork only goes down one spit before you hit good, solid Cornish clay and Granite, but I was pleasantly suprised at how drained the soil beneath the squidgey grass layer is.
    It is forecast to rain tomorrow, but I'm going to pop up and cover what I've dug with brown paper flour sacks. Then it's off to my "Muck Buddy" for a layer of pooh. Was thinking of covering seed potatoes with more soaked flour bags initially. Waddaya think? Would the spud shoots have the strength to push through?
    After all my efforts, I returned to the gate and looked back at my five hours of backbreaking work. It looked like a larger than average mole had been at work.... It's gonna be a long summer folks!
    When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!

  • #2
    Woohoo, great work Creemteez! Any chance of a piccy?

    When I first got my plot (also referred to as 'The Field' - said in broad Irish accent - in the early days), I just put lots of weed surpressant membrane down on most of it, and left it for a year to do it's job. After realising that the 'black stuff' alone wasn't enough, and adding a layer of cardboard underneath, it did the job brilliantly and meant that when I tackled those beds the following year it was comparatively easy going. I recommend this approach, as although it requires patience, it's much easier on the back than going all out for finished beds from scratch. I now try to add one new bed like this every year.

    Good luck!
    Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


    • #3
      Yeah, I am going to do the "cover and Smother" thing as I will definately put myself in hospital if I try and do it all at once! Will take some pictures when there is more to see in the way of progress! Honestly, what I achieved today was pathetic in the grand scheme of things!
      When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


      • #4
        Brilliant to hear it!
        I'm hoping for a full day on the plot tomorrow and have already decided that I'm going "whatever the weather" - now either that means it's going to be a gorgeous day in recognition of my commitment - or it will pour down incessantly just out of spite.

        I've also just been told I'm doing a run to the train station and the airport at 0525hrs on Monday morning so will probably drop by the plot just after that and get in a couple of hours before work. Bliss!


        • #5
          Originally posted by pipscariad View Post
          After realising that the 'black stuff' alone wasn't enough, and adding a layer of cardboard underneath, it did the job brilliantly
          It really does work, and the soil when you come to work it, is black & moist & crumbly, and full of worms.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            try thr azada thingy too,might make it easier [that's if you can borrow one to try first though]


            • #7
              HA! Round two to me! Two beds of potatoes in (Maris Peer and Red Duke of York). Have also bagged myself 40 (Yes, 40!!) huge cardboard boxes (the Chapel is getting new chairs), so will be able to cover quite a bit of ground with them.
              I have burned several calories today having dug a huge crater out of my Muck Buddy's pooh pile this morning before completing my two beds.
              Would have taken photos, but the damn camera is flashing "low battery" AGAIN - damn thing EATS batteries!
              When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


              • #8
                Well done, sounds like a great days work! And also as though you'll need a hot bath tonight - hope you haven't overdone the digging.... I had to force myself to stop today, as I knew that my back would complain otherwise.

                I was hoping for some pictures of The Field - darn batteries, I have just the same problem with my camera. (I've actually 'borrowed' my sons phone (he never uses it, and did say I could), so that I can take pics down at the plot). Better luck next time eh!
                Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


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