Heard about this talk on Thursday, like the sound of it but I can't go
Potager Garden
On Thursday April 8th, Howard Drury, a well-known horticultural expert, will talk about the possibilities of mixing flowers and vegetables in the garden. His talk, at 7.30 pm in the Zoology Building, University, Old Aberdeen, is hosted by the Friends of the Cruickshank Botanic Garden, and immediately follows their AGM. All are welcome; the talk is free to Friends, £3 to members of the public.
Howard will give a different angle on this new approach and the reasons why it is important, and explain how to go about creating a modern potager garden
Potager Garden
On Thursday April 8th, Howard Drury, a well-known horticultural expert, will talk about the possibilities of mixing flowers and vegetables in the garden. His talk, at 7.30 pm in the Zoology Building, University, Old Aberdeen, is hosted by the Friends of the Cruickshank Botanic Garden, and immediately follows their AGM. All are welcome; the talk is free to Friends, £3 to members of the public.
Howard will give a different angle on this new approach and the reasons why it is important, and explain how to go about creating a modern potager garden