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Elections 6th May...


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  • I moderate and also post my opinions on here. Opinions do vary and and how people come across also varies by how they write their piece. A thick skin is always good on a thread like this otherwise people end up geting the royal arse, but so is the ability to see the debate and respond in a balanced way.

    We have kept this thread on track so far and we hope to keep it that way by keeping it reasonable and on topic. There is no need to post and run Jeaniad, the more opinons the better.

    May the force be with you!

    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
    Its good that we can have a bit banter, still be friends, and long may the thread remain!
    hERE HERE,
    Last edited by pigletwillie; 09-04-2010, 11:05 AM.


    • It's all a complete load of politics anyway isn't it?
      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

      What would Vedder do?


      • I should point out at this juncture, that I am NOT planning on voting Labour, and so therefore am not personally offended Merely trying to point out that calling people insane is not really constructive...


        • I dont mind being called anything, I am as mad as a box of wet cats.


          • Tory manifesto?
            Can you please tell me what part of any of my previous posts - particularly the ones where I've said there's no real difference between the big three, where I've said the entire system we have is the problem, and where I've made it really quite clear that I'm a minarchist/libertarian and not one of the parliamentary parties come anywhere close to my views - says in any way, shape or form that I'm a Tory voter?
            Or have I mis-read that?
            If so and you were just commenting on the tories I'm inclined to agree. Though that said, I do seem to recall that up until 1997 the Labour party did pretty much exactly the same thing. What was that you said on Question Time, Mr. Self? Couldn't get an anorexic fag paper between the main three parties? Oh how right you are!

            Here I've got an image of Paddy Ashdown's spitting image puppet being asked a question first by Paxman's puppet and saying "I think the petty bickering we've just witnessed between the other parties shows what's wrong with this country today!"
            "But we've not said anything yet."
            "No, I know... but I usually go third."

            Plus �a change, plus c'est la m�me chose.

            Sarz - probably they would have done the same and I'd be just as annoyed then too. The very concept of stealing the public's money, saddling at least the next generation or two with a mountain of debt and using it to prop up private businesses that have screwed up disgusts me.
            Really, what the tories would have done or not doesn't come into it - they are both part of the problem. They both have little regard for civil liberties (the tories just proved that beyond any doubt just this week by backing down on the "matter of principle" they had about the DNA database) favour private business over individuals (I don't know the official name for it if it's not this... but the US Senator Ron Paul refers to it as "corporatism" as contrasted with capitalism) and are fundamentally statist.

            As for insane - what's more insane? Voting FOR a group of people you detest, to take power you don't want them to take, in a governmental system you despise precisely because of the wasted money and the "power" they shouldn't have in the first place...
            ...or the person who refuses on principle to lend any legitimacy to that same system?

            There's only one reason the political class want high voter turnouts... legitimacy. If hardly anyone turns out they don't have the "vast majority voted for us" argument and they don't like that.
            A side reason might be that high turnout tends to mean votes for the mainstream parties meaning much lower risk of a more freedom-loving party to gain seats... but I do believe that's minor if anything.

            Oh - and thanks for walking through the "could go on and on" door. I left that open just to see if anyone would show their colours. I wrote it, thought about re-wording and then decided it was best left as it was written. Interestingly your comment on that was, word for word, what I thought someone doing so would say.
            Interesting that.

            Originally posted by Snadger
            Its good that we can have a bit banter, still be friends, and long may the thread remain!
            As PW said - here here!


            • No matter who gets in power they all make a mess of it either way, thats all I'm saying



              • I personally am sick of 'elections'. We are offered choices. A bit like a lottery really. In spite of their individual manifestos the politicians are only in it for the 'jobsworth' the same as the rest of us.


                • I still think they should do it like X-Factor - bet we'd get a larger number of people voting if we text voted..... (did anyone see "Outnumbered" on TV last night?)


                  • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                    I thought the present govenment were taking the majority of tax from those who could afford it?
                    Sorry Snadger, but when you are on a pension of �10,000 p.a., Gordon Brown's abolition of the 10p rate of income tax effectively doubled OH's tax contribution. If you think that is affordable on that income, you obviously havn't tried to manage on it.



                    • I was reading a philosophy query earlier in the day and thought of organic.

                      A young boy of 8 has 2 uncles, A and B who stand to inherit a lot of money when he dies.
                      One day, the parents leave the boy alone. Uncle A shows up and sees the boy in the bath, thinks of the money he will inherit and drowns the boy. Uncle B (in a parallel universe) shows up and sees the boy struggling under the water. He could go and save him but he stands there and watches his nephew drown so he will inherit the money.

                      Which one is the one that is in the wrong? A because he killed the boy willfully or B because he he did nothing while the boy died?


                      • When will anyone realise that political jargon is just that "Jargon". For them it's like going to the job centre. Gis a job mate. We are pawns. Our politicians are pawns in the world economy. Some win some lose.....


                        • One group of people the election WILL effect in some way are the Civil Servants. I wonder who they are rooting for?

                          Or to put it another way.....which party spends the most on beurocracy?
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • I think either way they are going to be thinned out quite substantially. My Mrs works in the NHS and its already happening there in quite a big way.

                            Nobody will admit it but one thing is for certain, to reign in the current spending let alone pay some of it off, things are going to get very very painful for lots of us.

                            Taxes will rise
                            services will be cut
                            jobs will be lost

                            The devils in the detail regarding how much and how quickly.
                            Last edited by pigletwillie; 09-04-2010, 06:55 PM.


                            • Oh my Oh my Oh my what a problem I have. I have to add my vote to a particular candigate. If I get it right, half the country will tell me it's my fault when things go wrong. If I get it wrong I will feel I still know best and better luck next time.

                              Maybe we should be told what we have to do or not to do. Hang on a minute Isn't that just we have to do now!!


                              • Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                                PLEASE use your vote!
                                I get really wound up when people say they "can't be bothererd".
                                I'm totally with you Flum...women DIED to get us females the vote! ( something I nag my own daughters of 22 and 27 about!)

                                I think it's really a matter of deciding who is the LEAST damaging of those on offer!
                                I personally could never vote for the BNP because of their racist outlook, but this IS a democracy.

                                Please, please...USE YOUR VOTE!!


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