Living in France - or the rest of Europe - we actually get to vote for 15 years after leaving the UK in the constituency we last lived in, assuming that you've registered that is.
J and I are registered, we're great believers that it's both a right and a duty to vote. As for who we vote for, as others have said no party actually fits our wants and needs exactly but having moved here from East London, we have our views about blocking the BNP vote.
And before people think that the UK elections don't mean anything to us, they do because the politicians there can effect our taxes, our pensions and many other financial elements of our retirement in the same way they they effect UK pensioners.
And the recent UK economic crisis has effected a lot of people in this area to the extent that some have had to sell up and move back to the UK, especially those dependant on income from their shares/buy to let empires etc who depended on those factors to fund their lives here, tho to be honest, as far as I'm concerned they took a gamble that didn't work out.
We don't get a vote in the French Presidential elections but we do get to vote in the Euro elections and municipal elections here tho it's likely that there will be a campaign after this election to get the European laws changed so 5 years residency (like health care and residential status) in another Euro country means you get a vote there.
J and I are registered, we're great believers that it's both a right and a duty to vote. As for who we vote for, as others have said no party actually fits our wants and needs exactly but having moved here from East London, we have our views about blocking the BNP vote.
And before people think that the UK elections don't mean anything to us, they do because the politicians there can effect our taxes, our pensions and many other financial elements of our retirement in the same way they they effect UK pensioners.
And the recent UK economic crisis has effected a lot of people in this area to the extent that some have had to sell up and move back to the UK, especially those dependant on income from their shares/buy to let empires etc who depended on those factors to fund their lives here, tho to be honest, as far as I'm concerned they took a gamble that didn't work out.
We don't get a vote in the French Presidential elections but we do get to vote in the Euro elections and municipal elections here tho it's likely that there will be a campaign after this election to get the European laws changed so 5 years residency (like health care and residential status) in another Euro country means you get a vote there.