PW - nicely done with parsnips! 
Agreed about safe seats and mud slinging too.
I have to say, the recent tory billboards did make me chuckle... Gordy grinning like a fool and the words "I took billions from pensions - vote for me" and "I caused record youth unemployment - vote for me" or some such.
It's a bit pathetic that the campaign is basically "the current lot are rubbish" but at least it's well done.
Anyone else wish we still had Spitting Image on our screens? I'd love to see their take on it all.
bobleponge - an excellent post. I agree completely with the disenfranchisment point.
I could be a lot more comfortable with the system we have here if it felt like the politicians truly were servants... I'd still object to it in principle as I really lean FAR more towards libertarian politics than towards anything that can be put on the usual left-right scale... but getting rid of safe seats and having a parliament that worked for the people rather than ruling over it would be far, far better.
I get the feeling that we never had democracy here. We've still got a monarchy, and thought they don't call the shots, their absolute power never went away - it just transferred to the government rather than the ruling family.
I find the thought of any person/group/party/"elected" elite or otherwise having "power" over anybody.
Were they to truly serve and limit themselves to legitimate governmental jobs like law enforcement, defence and so on (maybe maintaining the health service, but i'm not convinced they'll ever be able to do a good job of that) and stay right out of telling people how to live, being "seen to be doing something" regardless of whether what they do makes things better, worse or just wastes money, and stop trying to hold moral high-grounds on topics like drugs where all they really do is enforce prohibition and make the whole situation worse.
I could probably lump a government like that - but as it stands I have to turn off the news and haven't read a newspaper in years as they all just wind me up intensely.

Agreed about safe seats and mud slinging too.
I have to say, the recent tory billboards did make me chuckle... Gordy grinning like a fool and the words "I took billions from pensions - vote for me" and "I caused record youth unemployment - vote for me" or some such.
It's a bit pathetic that the campaign is basically "the current lot are rubbish" but at least it's well done.

Anyone else wish we still had Spitting Image on our screens? I'd love to see their take on it all.
bobleponge - an excellent post. I agree completely with the disenfranchisment point.
I could be a lot more comfortable with the system we have here if it felt like the politicians truly were servants... I'd still object to it in principle as I really lean FAR more towards libertarian politics than towards anything that can be put on the usual left-right scale... but getting rid of safe seats and having a parliament that worked for the people rather than ruling over it would be far, far better.
I get the feeling that we never had democracy here. We've still got a monarchy, and thought they don't call the shots, their absolute power never went away - it just transferred to the government rather than the ruling family.
I find the thought of any person/group/party/"elected" elite or otherwise having "power" over anybody.
Were they to truly serve and limit themselves to legitimate governmental jobs like law enforcement, defence and so on (maybe maintaining the health service, but i'm not convinced they'll ever be able to do a good job of that) and stay right out of telling people how to live, being "seen to be doing something" regardless of whether what they do makes things better, worse or just wastes money, and stop trying to hold moral high-grounds on topics like drugs where all they really do is enforce prohibition and make the whole situation worse.
I could probably lump a government like that - but as it stands I have to turn off the news and haven't read a newspaper in years as they all just wind me up intensely.