It's typical BBC. Lots of money to spend.. but ignore the basic issues..
After all, how can you justify all the staff on the program if all it is is some hairy handed tiller of soil showing you how to make beanpoles from cut down branches and save money on fruit bushes by taking cuttings?
The producer meeds his £100k a year so he/she can pay his landscape gardener. So he/she ain't going to be interested in money saving ideas.
I gave up watching 2 years ago. It's bilge.
After all, how can you justify all the staff on the program if all it is is some hairy handed tiller of soil showing you how to make beanpoles from cut down branches and save money on fruit bushes by taking cuttings?
The producer meeds his £100k a year so he/she can pay his landscape gardener. So he/she ain't going to be interested in money saving ideas.
I gave up watching 2 years ago. It's bilge.