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van v. cyclist: driver sacked


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  • #16
    The Grimsby Telegraph is asking is it safe to cycle on our roads as Humberside Police launches a clampdown on riding in pedestrianised areas.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?


    • #17
      I am a cyclist, a motorist and a pedestrian.
      I would like to think that I am courteous when I do all 3 disciplines.
      When in my car I have been ridden into by a cyclist who appeared in front of me from a pavement. When on my bike I have been knocked over by a car, who didnt even stop (which still makes me cross today). As a pedestrian I have been knocked over by 3 cyclists who broke a red light as I was on a pedestrian crossing in France (the home of Le Tour).
      The bottom line is that there are both considerate and inconsiderate people who partake in all 3 of the above disciplines.
      I dont think every cyclist is evil, nor do I think that every pedestrian is evil, nor every motorist.
      Would be nice if everyone could see that there are good and bad motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, rather than having such a one sided view of a particular group.
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • #18
        Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
        I am a cyclist, a motorist and a pedestrian.
        I would like to think that I am courteous when I do all 3 disciplines.
        When in my car I have been ridden into by a cyclist who appeared in front of me from a pavement. When on my bike I have been knocked over by a car, who didnt even stop (which still makes me cross today). As a pedestrian I have been knocked over by 3 cyclists who broke a red light as I was on a pedestrian crossing in France (the home of Le Tour).
        The bottom line is that there are both considerate and inconsiderate people who partake in all 3 of the above disciplines.
        I dont think every cyclist is evil, nor do I think that every pedestrian is evil, nor every motorist.
        Would be nice if everyone could see that there are good and bad motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, rather than having such a one sided view of a particular group.
        I wish I were as eloquent as you bob.

        Hear hear.
        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

        What would Vedder do?


        • #19
          Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
          The bottom line is that there are both considerate and inconsiderate people who partake in all 3 ...Would be nice if everyone could see that there are good and bad motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, rather than having such a one sided view of a particular group.
          Hear hear.
          When in company, or on forums, when people find out I am a cyclist and don't have a car, they immediately label me as an aggressive eco-worrying lentil cruncher. I'm not. I just choose to ride a bike, not a car.

          I don't scratch cars, I don't shout at pedestrians. I always slow down for peds, even if they are on the bike lane. I always nod or wave or say thanks if someone gives way to me.

          I've never witnessed a cyclist being aggressive to anyone else; I don't see much stupid cycling either (red-light jumping etc).

          We are pretty benign really, as a group, but we would like people to be nice to us in return
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 13-04-2010, 02:11 PM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
            Hear hear.
            When in company, or on forums, when people find out I am a cyclist and don't have a car, they immediately label me as an aggressive eco-worrying lentil cruncher. I'm not. I just choose to ride a bike, not a car.

            I don't scratch cars, I don't shout at pedestrians. I always slow down for peds, even if they are on the bike lane. I always nod or wave or say thanks if someone gives way to me.

            I've never witnessed a cyclist being aggressive to anyone else; I don't see much stupid cycling either (red-light jumping etc).

            We are pretty benign really, as a group, but we would like people to be nice to us in return
            You know I'm a sympathiser TS, but why start the thread in the first place - I don't feel the need to post when/if a cyclist is prosecuted.

            Motorists aren't all bad, and 'we' are often the ones vilified.
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #21
              I used to do a lot of cycling when younger. Went all over Wales, Shropshire and the North West. I certainly wouldn't fancy doing it now though.

              �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

              Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


              • #22
                I'm cycling from London to Brighton in a couple of months - I'll doubtless see plenty of silly cyclists on my journey, moronic motorists and pedestrian plebs.
                A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                What would Vedder do?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  ... Drivers hate being overtaken on the inside by a cyclist because they think it's wrong
                  Do we?

                  - red-light jumping, I often see it on Wallingford Bridge

                  - Two cyclists riding side-by-side around a winding country lane, making it impossible for me to pass, it would have been safe to pass one but not two

                  - Cyclists are often seen riding on the pavement around here, in-so-much as riding towards people walking on the pavement

                  But as I mentioned further up this thread, good and bad manners are not exclusive to drivers or cyclists.

                  Also - as a motorcyclist I am, at times, subjected to careless car driving behaviour
                  Last edited by piskieinboots; 13-04-2010, 02:30 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                    When in my car I have been ridden into by a cyclist who appeared in front of me from a pavement. When on my bike I have been knocked over by a car, who didnt even stop (which still makes me cross today). As a pedestrian I have been knocked over by 3 cyclists who broke a red light as I was on a pedestrian crossing in France (the home of Le Tour).
                    Ever thought of staying in the house Bob?..........
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • #25
                      - I don't jump red lights, and I don't understand why anyone else does, unless it's just to get a head-start on the revving cars behind them.

                      - 2 cyclists riding abreast: they aren't trying to block you, they're probably having a talk about where to go or something. It is allowed.
                      They most likely will drop back to single file in a minute. However, if you're revving and being impatient, they just might be obstinate and stay together.

                      - riding on pavements. Are you sure it's a footpath and not a shared use cycle/footpath? Because the pedestrians round my way don't realise they are walking on a cycle lane, not a footpath.

                      I don't condone it, but I do it myself occasionally and for very short distances, if it makes me safer. For instance when I am dismounting from a road: it is much safer to ride up a kerb onto the pavement than to stop and dismount on the road, esp. in town.
                      Also when leaving a shop etc, I will mount on the pavement and then ride down a kerb onto the road, just so that when I join the traffic I am riding at a good speed, not a slow wobbly one.

                      I never ride at pedestrians, and I slow down to a crawl when I'm near them. I am no danger at all if I am on the bike but going slow and controlled. I also take up less room than if I was walking my bike (I'm thinking of the footbridge over Shoreham harbour, which I used to ride over because there were hardly any pedestrians: absolutely pointless to have to dismount and walk for non-existant peds).

                      Again, it seems acceptable to a pedestrian to walk their dog on a bike lane, but not for a cyclist to be on a footpath. It's nonsensical.

                      Cyclists aren't a danger to pedestrians: the number of people killed per year by cyclists averages less than one.

                      I can't even find statistics about how many people are injured by cyclists. I don't know a single person who's been hit by a bike, but most people will claim a "near miss" that's nothing of the kind. The fact is, cyclists don't want to hit a pedestrian, because the cyclist is going to come off worst: they will fly through the air and land on hard tarmac. It's going to hurt!

                      It is absolutely pointless to have miles and miles of footpath that isn't used because everyone drives now, but cyclists aren't allowed (I'm thinking of the route between Hove and Shoreham). Those pavements could very easily be made shared use (cycle/ped) but they aren't.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #26
                        I have been hit by a cyclist TS, on a pedestrian crossing by 3 cyclists who ignored the red light.
                        It made the local newspapers, being that I was a foreigner wot managed to swear very well in the local language at said cyclists.
                        Not withstanding the fact that cyclists have run me down, and ridden from the pavement into the door of my car, I dont assume that they are all homocidal maniacs.
                        Equally, having been knocked off my bike by a motorist who refused to stop, I dont assume that all drivers are homocidal maniacs either.

                        Again, I reiterate my point, it would be nice if people could accept that there are good and bad, rather than having such a one sided view.
                        Bob Leponge
                        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                          You know I'm a sympathiser TS, but why start the thread in the first place - I don't feel the need to post when/if a cyclist is prosecuted.
                          I posted the thread because it really is news, for a cyclist to get justice. It really is that ground-breaking.

                          I also am really interested in why people hate cyclists (and they do, just read the comments after the article here). I would like the chance to debunk some myths, and to explain why cyclists do what they do: you know, those irritating things that wind you up when you're driving.

                          eg. cyclists not indicating: well sometimes it isn't safe to. If you're using 2 hands on your brakes, or to avoid a pot hole, you don't have a third arm to use for indicating. Also, if you indicate to turn left, sometimes the jerk in front of you will take a chance at beating you to the junction, rather than waiting.

                          Riding in the middle of the road near the white line: it's where you should be if you're turning right. I've had drivers overtake me when I'm on the white line with my right hand stuck out too. Idiotic.

                          ... and also I wonder why people (drivers) get so very defensive whenever a cyclist pipes up about their problems. It's like we aren't allowed to speak
                          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 13-04-2010, 03:28 PM.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #28
                            I would like to think that as a cyclist myself TS, as well as a motorist (which you arent) and a pedestrian, I see the argument for all 3 sides and so am thus more able (perhaps) to give a reasoned debate, not a one sided rant.

                            I dont hate cyclists, far from it. I equally dont hate motorists.
                            I also dont get defensive/aggressive when cyclists speak up. I just think that all arguments should be logically based, from head not heart.

                            You are simply refusing to accept that cyclists are capable of badness.

                            "I don't jump red lights, and I don't understand why anyone else does, unless it's just to get a head-start on the revving cars behind them."

                            Maybe, just maybe the hundreds of red light breaking cyclists that I used to see every day when I lived in London just ignore the rules of the road, thinking they dont apply to them, and the ones in my local town thought the same.

                            There are bad cyclists TS, you should be able to admit it.
                            There are bad motorists too, and there are bad pedestrians.

                            This is in no way personally aimed at you, nor cyclists, nor motorists nor pedestrians.
                            There are good and bad in all of the above.

                            And by the way, I have no idea of your lentil habits.
                            Bob Leponge
                            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                              You are simply refusing to accept that cyclists are capable of badness... there are bad cyclists TS, you should be able to admit it.
                              If I see any bad cycling, I tell them, something like "twit", usually.

                              Honestly, the cyclists I see around town are obeying the rules of the road. I saw one guy, once, riding on the pavement outside the PO a few weeks ago, but that's all. It doesn't happen round here. Yet I see plenty of cars parked illegally on double yellows, and on bike lanes, and blocking the vision of other motorists.

                              I saw a man riding on the wrong side of the road (so he could talk to a girl on the pavement). Idiot nearly hit me.

                              I see boys jumping their bikes up and down pavements and on/off the road. It's not safe, but they are only endangering themselves.

                              Whereas when motorists do stupid things, my life is in danger. That's why I get a little bit upset and speak from the heart. Bob. By the way, I am a passenger in our car quite often, so I do see the driver's side actually. I can drive, but I choose not to: I passed my test 1st time, and have no points on my license. I decided to give up my lovely little car after a van driver deliberately crashed into me: the road rage he had was truly frightening.
                              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 13-04-2010, 03:31 PM.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                - 2 cyclists riding abreast: they aren't trying to block you
                                I didn't see you with them?

                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                They most likely will drop back to single file in a minute.
                                They didn't - but they did look behind a couple of times and smile - that was nice of them wasn't it

                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                However, if you're revving and being impatient,
                                I wasn't, I was - however, thinking how selfish their behaviour was

                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                they just might be obstinate and stay together.
                                They did that


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