Most of my 'extra' is in the evening, when I am in no state to write it down. OH likes chocolate or other 'treats' late in the day, and ALWAYS offers to share. If I am over-tired, I lack the ability to say no to the things I like at that hour!
I have a pretty good idea how it is happening, but much less idea what to do about it.
Yesterday in the supermarket
OH: What have we got for afters
me: we can do without for once
OH: no we can't!
That is when I got cross and said
Find yourself something, I CAN do without!
A bit later he asked me what I wanted, I repeated the "I can do without" so he says "I'll get myself something then" :::mutter from me:::: "that is what I said"
so he bought something I REALLY like that comes in a 2 portion packet and once opened needs using......
Maybe this should be on the 'minor rant' thread?
I have enough trouble avoiding over-eating, because the nice things are tempting, he makes it all a LOT harder!
I have a pretty good idea how it is happening, but much less idea what to do about it.
Yesterday in the supermarket
OH: What have we got for afters
me: we can do without for once
OH: no we can't!
That is when I got cross and said
Find yourself something, I CAN do without!
A bit later he asked me what I wanted, I repeated the "I can do without" so he says "I'll get myself something then" :::mutter from me:::: "that is what I said"
so he bought something I REALLY like that comes in a 2 portion packet and once opened needs using......
Maybe this should be on the 'minor rant' thread?
I have enough trouble avoiding over-eating, because the nice things are tempting, he makes it all a LOT harder!