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Let's lose a bit of weight.....


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  • Most of my 'extra' is in the evening, when I am in no state to write it down. OH likes chocolate or other 'treats' late in the day, and ALWAYS offers to share. If I am over-tired, I lack the ability to say no to the things I like at that hour!
    I have a pretty good idea how it is happening, but much less idea what to do about it.
    Yesterday in the supermarket
    OH: What have we got for afters
    me: we can do without for once
    OH: no we can't!
    That is when I got cross and said
    Find yourself something, I CAN do without!
    A bit later he asked me what I wanted, I repeated the "I can do without" so he says "I'll get myself something then" :::mutter from me:::: "that is what I said"
    so he bought something I REALLY like that comes in a 2 portion packet and once opened needs using......
    Maybe this should be on the 'minor rant' thread?
    I have enough trouble avoiding over-eating, because the nice things are tempting, he makes it all a LOT harder!
    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


    • Week 8, Day 5

      Breakfast: Bran flakes
      Lunch: bowl fish chowder
      Dinner: beans on 2 x toast

      Extras: cups of tea throughout the day, 2 x glass wine, 2 x pts bitter, 1 x piece easter spiced bun

      Exercise: none


      • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
        I don't snack between meals, I've reduced my portion sizes and cut out bread and I'm avoiding potatoes. When at work, my breakfast is usually a small can of beans on one slice of unbuttered brown bread, lunch is a tin of soup (I'm working my way through the low fat flavours), a fat free yoghurt and and apple. Dinner is a healthy meal, mostly veg. I've reduced my alcohol intake in the evenings. It will work eventually, just not been at it very long, so I really mean it, I will carry on until I see a significant weight loss, or it will be the road to hell. Come back in when you can Janeyo, I do know what you mean. Hazel is something of an inspiration, so I'm glad she's keeping on.
        Can only suggest that as you've cracked the 'eat less' bit , you'll have to work on the 'do more' bit in order to give your metabolism a kick.


        • Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
          Most of my 'extra' is in the evening, when I am in no state to write it down. OH likes chocolate or other 'treats' late in the day, and ALWAYS offers to share. If I am over-tired, I lack the ability to say no to the things I like at that hour!
          I have a pretty good idea how it is happening, but much less idea what to do about it.
          Yesterday in the supermarket
          OH: What have we got for afters
          me: we can do without for once
          OH: no we can't!
          That is when I got cross and said
          Find yourself something, I CAN do without!
          A bit later he asked me what I wanted, I repeated the "I can do without" so he says "I'll get myself something then" :::mutter from me:::: "that is what I said"
          so he bought something I REALLY like that comes in a 2 portion packet and once opened needs using......
          Maybe this should be on the 'minor rant' thread?
          I have enough trouble avoiding over-eating, because the nice things are tempting, he makes it all a LOT harder!
          I'm sure that he doesn't do it on purpose, but I'm guessing that the psychology of the matter is that I'm sure that your OH thinks he is making you happy by giving you 'treats', although that is actually not the case!

          Then again, it could be that he feels on the back foot when you are doing something 'good' by avoiding the treats and losing a pound or two and he isn't, so he tries to bring you back to where he is!


          I'd have a bit of a chat before you go shopping and agree a shopping list and stick to it - asking him to help you not to break your good intentions by putting extras in for you both. Of course he can do what he likes, but if you see a 'treat for two' going in the trolley, see if you can find an alternative 'treat for one' for him.

          Mind you (and you'll hate me for this) I do have iron will power when I am on a mission to shed a few pounds - for example, I always have a batch of homemade biscuits and/or cake on the go, because I love them, but it is only ever ONE, and only ever with the cup of tea after work, and/or the cup of tea before bed.

          Actually, I am not that angelic - I can't have cheese in the house whilst 'cutting down' or I would scoff the lot!


          • Week 8, Day 6

            Breakfast: poached egg, 1 x bread
            Lunch: 1/4 pineapple
            Dinner: chipolata risotto de la maison

            Extras: cups of tea throughout the day, 2 x large glass wine, 2 x pts bitter

            Exercise: run route of Fun Run - 13.6km


            • Wish I could exercise Hazel - five years ago I lost the extra stone and a half I'm carrying again with Weightwatchers and Rosemary's exercise video. This time round, I'm relying on diet, gardening (though no heavy work) and getting up from my desk at work instead of using the phone/e-mail which involves walking around the same floor and going up and down stairs as well as walking the length of the hospital which is quite a stroll. Hey ho, it may take a little longer methinks.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • I had a similar situation with Himself last time around Hilary. He was so used to me planning what we were going to eat and there was I deciding what I was going to have instead of planning around him. I think he either felt a bit left out, or he was annoyed that I was doing something for myself (i.e. putting myself first for a change). This time I have the same as him but without the fattening stuff IYKWIM? It gives me quite a kick when I see his plate compared to mine!
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                  Wish I could exercise Hazel - five years ago I lost the extra stone and a half I'm carrying again with Weightwatchers and Rosemary's exercise video. This time round, I'm relying on diet, gardening (though no heavy work) and getting up from my desk at work instead of using the phone/e-mail which involves walking around the same floor and going up and down stairs as well as walking the length of the hospital which is quite a stroll. Hey ho, it may take a little longer methinks.
                  Well, you ARE exercising doing all that walking/stairs stuff at work - it all counts!


                  • The thing that really bugs me is... he can't (or won't) get hold of the idea that if we both eat exactly the same things HE ight be losing weight while I put some on. I give myself smaller portions, and he asks if I've got enough, again and again, after many repetitions of the explanation.
                    If I say NO to chocolate in the evening, he asks twice, at least.
                    The won't power (will power to NOT eat) is not my strong point; I know this. I try to follow a decent eating pattern, more early in the day and less late in the day, and come up against his assumptions
                    a) going wihout breakfast and lunch will help lose weight (no it won't because I get hungry enough to nibble!)
                    b) if we don't have 'afters' in the evening it is wrong (can't think why, it's not about quantity. There have been times I have planned a one-course meal BECAUSE it is a filling one, he asks what's for afters.....)
                    c) if he has lost 3 stone while I am losing 1�, then he can forget about dietting and it doesn't matter any more, until he has regained that weight, then he stops eating for a week....
                    This lot really is simply letting off steam over the frustration. I'll manage, somehow. From next week it might be easier, I'll be going out at suppertime one evening a week, and he will cook his own supper. Amazing how that helps!
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                    • I know how frustrating it can be Hilary. I can only reiterate "put yourself first for a change". Good luck!
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Week 8, Day 7

                        Breakfast: bran flakes
                        Lunch: 2 x bacon, beans, 1 x egg
                        Dinner: 2 x fishcakes, salad

                        Extras: cups of tea throughout the day, 1 x glass wine, 1 x options hot choc

                        Exercise: none


                        • I have one of those (OH)!
                          This thread has caused me to start recording my weight as I have some extra – 28 lbs or 2 stone - which has suddenly appeared (only took 3 months) and refuses to leave.
                          I also think I have reached the age where it won’t just fall of me and even walking by a loaf of bread puts on a pound or so.
                          My loving husband insists of cooking most nights and I am served a heaping plate of everything.
                          I can live off a bowl of soup or a simple tuna sandwich, but he is a meat and potatoes man who seems to incorporate butter, cream, cheese, OIL etc into everything he cooks.
                          (Why do I feel that he is trying to fatten me up?)
                          In one month I have lost 3 lbs or .21 stone.
                          Cut out the white bread and returned to eating only wheat bread.
                          Eating more vegetables and leaving the meat for last - sometimes skipping it as I am full.
                          And....exercising (again).
                          Last edited by MyLifeWithAndrew; 24-04-2012, 08:24 AM.
                          My Very Bleak Garden Blog

                          Reece & The Chicks

                          In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
                          Revelation 22:2


                          • Weights and Measures

                            start: 10st 6lb
                            week 1: 10st 3 1/2lb
                            week 2: 10st 2 1/2lb
                            week 3: 10st 1/2 lb
                            week 4: 10st 1/2lb
                            week 5: 9st 11lb
                            week 6: 9st 10 1/2lb
                            week 7: 9st 9 1/2lb
                            week 8: 9st 8lb

                            lost this week: 1 1/2lb
                            total lost: 12lb

                            Target weight: 9st 7lb before the end of April
                            Left to go: 1lb by the end of the wk....


                            • Week 9, Day 1

                              Breakfast: bran flakes
                              Lunch: 1 x bacon, beans, 1 x bread
                              Dinner: oriental marinade chicken, salad, coucous

                              Extras: cups of tea throughout the day, 2 x glass wine, 1 x biscuit

                              Exercise: none


                              • Today, I have fitted into my size 16 work trousers :-D


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