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Let's lose a bit of weight.....


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  • Originally posted by Broomstix View Post
    Why? For the past 2 � years my work colleagues have been trying to loose weight!! Every lunchtime I’m inundated with ‘Are you going to fat club 2nite?’ ‘What colour day are you on?’ ‘How much have you lost this week?’ Each and every time I take a bite out of my sandwich I’m watched with envious eyes…. So what I’m a big girl … the only diet I have ever stuck to is a vegetarian diet.. But I have to listen to their dietary recipes’ and the ‘Haven’t you done well’ so what? Yeah I’m on a diet tooo I intend to be 30 stone by the end of the week!!! How much longer do I have to suffer this? It’s my lunch break too … Why do I have to feel guilty for eating a cheese sandwich?…. Why can’t you eat chocolate?? It’s my new years resolution to put an end to it… loosing weight is a private thing… why involve everyone in the coffee room…I will loose weight when I’m ready, and then only then I won’t broadcast it to the whole department … oooowwww look at me it’s a purple day … I’m gonna eat empty teabags…. I’m not bitter or a diet failure but PLEASE let me eat my lunch in peace.
    So, your New Year's resolution is to go it on your own, does that have to mean that those that feel they need moral support and encouragement have to go it on their own too? A little unfair.
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
      Continuing to run when you have done so for a long time is fine; STARTING running when middle-aged or more is on the "take advice from the doctor" list.....
      I'm not sure if 40 is considered middle aged but I took up running a few months ago, for the first time ever. Was really surprised how easily I took to it. I found the secret was to pace myself.

      Piskie is another great example, I think she started when I did and is either training or has done a mini marathon.

      That said, if you don't enjoy it, then it's a pointless exercise...there's other ways to get fit.
      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


      • Running form here is an uphill struggle (very literally, I live in a place where every route away is uphill within a few hundred yards), and when the weight problem is... significant, that is a real off-put. I am still struggling with the Christmas gain, but Lent is coming!
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • I've not been for a while, but I never quite mastered going uphill
          I had a running partner which really helped to make me push myself that liuttle harder...I think whatever form of exercise you choose, it's always easier at the start, when you doubt yourself,with someone else. Good luck with it.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • Originally posted by di View Post
            I took up running a few months ago, for the first time ever.
            I should get back into it. I've got this book on order
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • I've been at Slimming World since the beginning of November, Christmas was tough, but it's back heading in the right direction now. I picked up my Third sticker last week, woohoo!!, I'm sorry the happy clapping does little to motivate me. The group scales though.....thats a different matter. A finite point in time, you can't cheat it, you can't put it back a day.

              How are you all doing.....or am I on my own
              Me too Mikey. One Monday towards the end of November I had a 'What shall I wear to work today?' moment. I know, I haven't worn my blue suit for a while. I got it out and put it on - could barely zip up the skirt and certainly would not have been able to sit down in it ... which would have made driving interesting So I too joined Slimming World. I had a 'hiccup' over Christmas, put 3 lbs back on ... but I am going in the right direction again. I've lost 8 lbs so far and wore my blue suit to work last week. I've still go 6 lbs to go, last week was a 'maintain' but I think it gets harder as you get closer to goal. That's my theory anyway. So if it takes me 2 months to lose the last 6 pounds I shan't mind, so long as it goes.

              You are right about the group weigh in thing. Also I am not mean, but I don't like waste, so if I am paying �5 a week, I am going to get my money's worth.


              • Originally posted by susieq100 View Post
                You are right about the group weigh in thing. Also I am not mean, but I don't like waste, so if I am paying �5 a week, I am going to get my money's worth.
                Did you block it, I did the 12 week thing back in November which runs until 18th Feb, I think it mean't I got two weeks free. I've a lot further to go than you, and will be renewing in a couple of weeks.
                I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                • Originally posted by Mikeywills View Post
                  Good Morning, what's happening here. Have you all broken New Year's resolutions already!!!

                  I've been at Slimming World since the beginning of November, Christmas was tough, but it's back heading in the right direction now. I picked up my Third sticker last week, woohoo!!, I'm sorry the happy clapping does little to motivate me. The group scales though.....thats a different matter. A finite point in time, you can't cheat it, you can't put it back a day.

                  How are you all doing.....or am I on my own.

                  Well despite the snow I'm still running.

                  I recommend a yoga posture called Downwards Dog... Yoga Journal - Downward-Facing Dog to loosen up your leg muscles AND tone up your arms and back - before you start any form of exercise.
                  I do it 5-6 times a week for 2-3 minutes and also alternate legs.

                  Indeed I can recommend yoga as a gentle form of keeping mind and body fit.


                  • I'm putting on and taking off the same amount of weight every couple of weeks, but I'm not entirely on track thanks to personal stuff...we'll see how this week goes....


                    • Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
                      Well despite the snow I'm still running.
                      Good on you. I've taken the dog for a jog once a week, and I'm cycling 2-3 times a week. Given up booze pretty much. Not losing yet, though I've got into a skirt I made last year and haven't worn because I couldn't do it up.

                      Mr TS has only lost 4oz a week for the last 4 months, so he's now put himself on a soup-only diet for a week (he thinks I don't know about the huge bowl of cereal he gets when I'm in bed, and I've just noticed all the cheezy curlz are gone too).
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • My OH, has a secret stash of magnum's hidden in the freezer, that she thinks I don't know about. Nothing escapes the beady eye of a man on a diet...the hard part is not having one.

                        Weigh in tomorrow for me, so I'm off swimming with littleun tonight, followed by 1 1/2 hrs on davina's exercise bike. It belongs to the missus, but she hasn't used it yet. I've replaced the batteries twice.

                        Today and tomorrow are always tough days.
                        I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                        • 45 (!) years ago I HAD to lose weight to stand any chance of winning naything in a sport I was taking part in. I was totally uncompetitive at the weight I was in.

                          I gave up sugar - in all drinks, refused to drink sweet drinks (eg Coke etc), gave up fried food and stopped eating all sweets and biscuits> Normal size portions only.

                          I lost 6kgs in 3 weeks.. and kept it off whilst competing. (and won some medal as well)..

                          Weight loss is much easier if you set an achievable goal and REALLY want it...

                          I still don't drink sweet drinks, or sugar in any drink or eat sweets.. But do eat biscuits...:-(

                          Basically you train your body and will to eat fewer calories... and don't over indulge frequently . (the odd overeating once a fortnight does no harm).

                          I also drink very little alcohol - about 20 units a week at most but several weeks under 5.

                          No snacks between meals. Ever.


                          • So would do you do if those around you think the achievable goal is not achievable!!

                            My goal at best is going to take me roughly 12 months, how do you stay motivated for that period of time.
                            I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                            • Promise yourself.. or get someone else to promise it to you - something you always wanted - but could never justify - if you meet your goal..

                              Thus you always have something to look forward to when things are rough...


                              • Originally posted by Mikeywills View Post
                                So would do you do if those around you think the achievable goal is not achievable!!
                                Be very determined to prove them wrong!


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