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Let's lose a bit of weight.....


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  • Mmmm I needed to lose 20'ish' ibs before my pre op appointment and around 28lb before my op didn't think the dates would be so soon I have lost 5 lb this week leaving 15lb to lose before the 13th of December any tips would be great!

    FYI I have upped my water intake lowered my brews and only consuming carbs for lunch I can't really exercise as the cold weather has pretty much killed my foot

    Many thanks guys

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    • That's a lot to lose in less than a month, good luck. If it makes you feel better, I have to lose 3 stone at any mention of a family wedding

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      Nannys make memories


      • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
        That's a lot to lose in less than a month, good luck. If it makes you feel better, I have to lose 3 stone at any mention of a family wedding

        Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum
        Yeah it's even harder if you can't really walk so it's all diet here's hoping

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        • You can still exercise, even if you can't walk Use your upper body instead (and I don't mean walk on your hands). Get some weights- anything rather sitting around twiddling your thumbs (only burns 10 calories an hour) .


          • Darcy like VC says there's other ways to exercise how about something like this :-

            Seated Total Body Workout - Exercises You Can Do While Seated
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Best of luck Darcy, the only bit of advice I could give is no eating after 18,00hrs and start the day with a glass of warm water. As said, the best of luck.
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • Yeah I have weights I also do yoga as there is no impact I also do the whole air cycling where you lay flat on my back and ride the air lol

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                • If it's weight you want to lose, you have to get sweaty - the yoga will tone your muscles, but to burn calories (= lose weight) you have to do something aerobic. Difficult, but not impossible when you are restricted in movement - great link from Bren.


                  • What about swimming Darcy?


                    • At the age of 16 - I weighed 62 kilo, now at 66 - I weigh 62 kilo.
                      I don't go to the gym, although I walk mostly everywhere.
                      Have 30 rod of allotment to eat healthy and not to excess.
                      Yes I like good food and occasionaly make a pig of myself with rich chocolate cake and other such naughty food, but when the belt gets a bit tight I miss out a meal or two.
                      All comes down to life-style choices, there are only two things you have to do, breath and die, everything else is a choice with consequences.
                      I hear many over weight people comming up with all manner of excuses, but at the end of the day it comes down to eating too much - there weren't many over-weight people in Belsen or Auschwitz.
                      "...Very dark, is the other side, very dark."

                      "Shut up, Yoda. Just eat your toast."


                      • Darcy's special though - he wants to lost weight for an operation. From what I've seen of him, he's slim enough anyway
                        I wish you all the best Darcy, in reaching your target


                        • It's hard as in my army days I was always skinny since my last op I have gained as I was in a wheelchair then walker then crutches so going from being extremely active to not doing a lot I have to find out what I can eat as when in the army I used to eat anything and not gain anything!

                          I want to lose this bit of weight as I want to reduce post op problems!

                          Never mind guys I will get there!

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                          Last edited by darcyvuqua; 22-11-2013, 10:07 PM.
                          In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                          • Originally posted by darcyvuqua View Post
                            It's hard as in my army days I was always skinny since my last op I have gained as I was in a wheelchair then walker then crutches so going from being extremely active to not doing a lot I have to find out what I can eat as when in the army I used to eat anything and not gain anything!

                            I want to lose this bit of weight as I want to reduce post op problems!

                            Never mind guys I will get there!

                            Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum
                            Yours I would consider to be a short term issue, and hope all goes well for you.
                            While not having a go at anyone on a personal level, I read about a man who was stuck in USA, not allowed to fly on account of his weight, then he was stuck in UK because he couldn't travel on Eurostar due to safety issues. My question would be - how do you get from a nominal, normal size to being that big, except by over eating? You can have hormonal issues, metabolism issues, but it all comes down to calorie intake.
                            When I took on my current allotments 12 years ago, there was a lady there who weighed 130 kilo and is 5 foot tall, for all those years she was talking about diets, joining the gym, etc. etc. etc.
                            Her plot was a bit of a mess and against my better judgement I helped her to get things under control, several times. But she never kept on top of the work, in fact the more I helped the less she did herself.
                            Eventually I decided that her weight was her problem, her allotment was her problem, and I advised her to downsize if she couldn't put in the time and effort required. Now I am being called selfish and inconsiderate, other plot holder are amazed that I helped her for so long before saying enough is enough.
                            "...Very dark, is the other side, very dark."

                            "Shut up, Yoda. Just eat your toast."


                            • I totally understand to an extent there surely must be a point when you look at your own body and think wow I'm getting big that should be a pivotal point in life!

                              I don't mean like a couple of stone but surely guys who claim to be Britain heaviest 50st etc

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                              In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                              • Darcy, if you've already lost 5lb in a week, you can probably shed a few more by doing just what you are doing,cutting out the rubbish and eating v sensibly and maybe just smaller portions for a couple of weeks, if you get hungry then snack on fruit, rather than calorie laden snacks. Weigh watchers reckon it's better to loose 2/3 lbs a week, and for the weight to stay off, so am sure you will almost if not totally achieve your goal.

                                Hope all goes well with the op.



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