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So...what have you lost this winter???


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  • #16
    I'd not even thought about our passion flower...thought they survived anything?Looking out the window though,ours does look a little dead

    We've definately lost the apricot tree that friends gave Andi a couple of Birthdays ago
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • #17
      2 agapanthuses (had to look that up) in pots although the ones in the ground have survived.,3 lavenders. 1 cordyline and 2 pineapple lilies which were also in pots but had been quite happy for 5 years.


      • #18
        I too lost a big bay tree and my beautiful banana palm,and my vine in gh
        not growing another one I always seem to lose them, kiwi has survived and i am amazed at that


        • #19
          I've lost 3 lavenders, a rosemary and my olive tree has lost loads of leaves but will hang on to it for a few more weeks and see what it does. Thought I had lost my grape vine but have noticed there seem to be some buds growing so will watch that one.
          AKA Angie


          • #20
            Like others I have lost rosemary and lavender -just the French lavender, the others are OK
            I'm sure several of the penstemons have gone - no sign of any green shoots
            Solanum jasminoides was badly hit but should sprout from the base.
            Hardy fuchsias are shooting already but still waiting to see about some of the artemisias

            Incidently for most losses apart from the very tender things I would advocate waiting a while before digging out - I remember a 4m eucalyptus gunii killed by the winter of 198? - I didn't get round to digging it out til about mid June and was stopped in my tracks by new shoots just emerging at ground level. I cut the dead top off and it made a wonderful multistemmed shrub

            I would be very surprised if the blackcurrant and rhubarb were lost due to the winter, they can tolerate much lower temperatures than this winter


            • #21
              Rosemary and french tarragon :-(

              and the will to live.

              Sowed lots of stuff but the weather hasn't picked up properly so windowsill full of stuff and can't sow anything else, so no succession sowing for some things and not started anything tender yet. But tomatoes have now all mostly flowered (BAH!)


              • #22
                Out of 15 buckets of self-saved El Santa Strawberry plants - just 3 buckets survive after a very wet autumn and the harsh winter. I think the soaking they got was far more damaging - giving rise to a rotten centre. Good news - 2 of the 3 now have flower buds!

                I forgot to place bubble wrap protection of my 2 currant bushes - but one has loads of flowers on it and the other plenty of new shoots. The second was at least 3 weeks behind the other and I thought a casualty. Mother Nature has a wonderful way of keeping things going and perhaps the things we lose are for the best - survival of the fittest and all that. Still disappointing when the 'pet' plants get the deep 6.

                Did remember to bring in my geraniums this year before the frosts!


                • #23
                  Possibly my 20 year old yucca. It's been on a my balconies since I first got a flat with a balcony. This last winter just seems to have done it for it. Though I after doing some drastic amputations, it had three nice growing points, I am now keeping my fingers crossed that I may not have lost it after all.

                  A lemon geranium that was in one of my big planters, two of my twisted willow cuttings.

                  Other than that pretty much the same as piskieinboots though I am not sure I had them before winter


                  • #24
                    My tasmanian tree fern i got from a lovely friend who is no longer with us, like loosing my dear friend all over again.
                    When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by quark1 View Post
                      I forgot to place bubble wrap protection of my 2 currant bushes
                      Currant bushes are very hardy and shouldn't need bubble wrap at all, in fact that could cause them to sweat inside

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #26
                        Oh I forgot, and six penstemons!
                        AKA Angie


                        • #27
                          passionflower survive all but the most extreme frosts. Like 1 in 50 year frosts, ive replaced it with a kiwi.


                          • #28
                            My passionflower isn't showing any signs of life either but I suppose there's still time. I've lost lots of plants including penstemons, olive, cordyline, 3 maybe 4 hebes, patio lemon (under cover), maybe a tree fern, callicarpa, clematis sieboldii, fuchsias, herbs & various other plants which look as though they may not recover!
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #29
                              Well for me it seems I got off fairly lightly but I did loose all the penstemons I took from my Grans garden when she died - I'm very sad knowing I wont be seeing the cheery bright pink blooms this year.

                              Still with true Brit optimism I'm leaving them in the ground until I really cann't denie it any longer (about 12 months from now).


                              • #30
                                Thanks Alison - I'll not bother (or fret) this year - cheers!


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