We used to do a similar thing to Nicos,but instead of ripping the strings of my Mum and Dad would have us gently pull them out and it we'd have to see who could pull the longest bit out without it breaking...they were the fatter leaves though.
Also,as well as Daisy chains we'd make Daisy poles...you need one daisy with a fairly sturdy stem and then the others you nip off right at the base of the flower and poke the one stem through loads of daisies.
I'd also spend hours on end making the faeries special little flower potions,which Daisy and Ash do now.
Rhona...did you know that if you hold a proper stinging stinging nettle upside down you can run your hand down it without getting stung....I can't guarantee it from experience as I was always too chicken,but whenever the lads at school needed to show off their bravado,that would be the trick to do it
Also,as well as Daisy chains we'd make Daisy poles...you need one daisy with a fairly sturdy stem and then the others you nip off right at the base of the flower and poke the one stem through loads of daisies.
I'd also spend hours on end making the faeries special little flower potions,which Daisy and Ash do now.
Rhona...did you know that if you hold a proper stinging stinging nettle upside down you can run your hand down it without getting stung....I can't guarantee it from experience as I was always too chicken,but whenever the lads at school needed to show off their bravado,that would be the trick to do it
