My heart goes out to you and your good lady - it really isn't a lot of fun at all, especially when you still have to function as a fully 'normal' adult at work etc.
Just as many have said - different babies, different ways. For my daughter, I used to breast feed her until she slept, I never burped her as it seemed weird to wake her back up and she never suffered from colic so.....
I also added bottles into the feeding mix as I just wasn't enough and made sure her night feeds where bottles. I could control it much better and would dream feed her in the night (basically stuck the full bottle in mouth before she woke so she drank in her sleep and carried on sleeping, again no burping). This was normally done with both eyes shut and took about 30 seconds for me to settle back into sleep.
I also just used to put her in her cot during the day, just to play and have 'nice' time in her cot so she got used to it and enjoyed being in there by her self and made sure I wasn't around in the room.
In her room I put up a black out blind and curtains and then used to put a warm hot water bottle in the cot with an old t-sirt of mine for smells.
And that deadtime? Between 3 and 5? You wont have to suffer through it forever, it always plays tricks on your mind and one day you'll smile about all this
Just as many have said - different babies, different ways. For my daughter, I used to breast feed her until she slept, I never burped her as it seemed weird to wake her back up and she never suffered from colic so.....
I also added bottles into the feeding mix as I just wasn't enough and made sure her night feeds where bottles. I could control it much better and would dream feed her in the night (basically stuck the full bottle in mouth before she woke so she drank in her sleep and carried on sleeping, again no burping). This was normally done with both eyes shut and took about 30 seconds for me to settle back into sleep.
I also just used to put her in her cot during the day, just to play and have 'nice' time in her cot so she got used to it and enjoyed being in there by her self and made sure I wasn't around in the room.
In her room I put up a black out blind and curtains and then used to put a warm hot water bottle in the cot with an old t-sirt of mine for smells.
And that deadtime? Between 3 and 5? You wont have to suffer through it forever, it always plays tricks on your mind and one day you'll smile about all this
